5B-62.016. Increase Trees  

Effective on Wednesday, February 25, 2015
  • 1Increase trees shall be identified on a Source Tree Bud Cutting Report, FDACS-08172, Revised 03/14, as incorporated in Rule 205B-62.005, 21F.A.C., and must be propagated as follows:

    28(1) Budwood must have been obtained under the direct supervision of the department from foundation, or scion trees.

    46(2) There must be a minimum vacant space of 24 inches between each clone of increase trees planted in the ground and 12 inches between each clone of plants grown on greenhouse benches (or a well-defined physical barrier between clones) with each clone individually identified91.

    92(3) Trees propagated as increase trees under this rule chapter serve as registered sources of budwood with no testing required for a period of up to 36 months from budding122.

    123(4) Nursery stock propagated from increase trees shall not serve as further sources of registered budwood139.

    140(5) Increase trees from foundation trees used for increase budwood shall qualify for scion grove planting in accordance with Rule 1605B-62.015, 161F.A.C.

    162(6) Increase trees shall meet all the requirements in Rule 5B-17362174.012, F.A.C., for source trees.

    179(7) Increase trees found infected with a pathogen shall be removed from the protected greenhouse within 10 days of notification of test results from the department.

    205Rulemaking Authority 207570.07(23), 208581.031(1), 209(3), (8), 211581.1843(3), 212(4) FS. Law Implemented 216570.07(2), 217(13), 218581.031(1), 219(14), (17), (23), 222581.1843(3), 223(4) FS. History–New 12-26-06, Amended 2-25-15.


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