5G-3.008. Definitions  

Effective on Sunday, August 17, 1980
  • 1When used in the context of this rule chapter, the following terminology is defined as follows:

    17(1) “Similar varietal characteristics’ means that the tomatoes are alike as to firmness of flesh and shade of color (for example, soft-fleshed, early maturing varieties are not mixed with firm-fleshed, midseason or late varieties, or bright red varieties mixed with varieties having a purplish tinge).

    62(2) “Mature” means that the tomato has reached the stage of development which will insure a proper completion of the ripening process, and that the contents of two or more seed cavities have developed a jelly-like consistency and the seeds are well developed.

    105(3) “Soft” means that the tomato yields readily to slight pressure.

    116(4) “Clean” means that the tomato is practically free from dirt or other foreign material.

    131(5) “Well developed” means that the tomato shows normal growth. Tomatoes which are ridged and peaked at the stem end, contain dry tissue, and usually contain open spaces below the level of the stem scar, are not considered well developed.

    171(6) “Fairly well formed” means that the tomato is not more than moderately kidney-shaped, lop-sided, elongated, angular, or otherwise moderately deformed.

    192(7) “Fairly smooth” means that the tomato is not conspicuously ridged or rough.

    205(8) “Damage” means any specific defect described in Rule 2145G-3.009, 215F.A.C., Table II; or an equally objectionable variation of any one of these defects, any other defect, or any combination of defects, which materially detracts from the appearance, or the edible or marketing quality of the tomato.

    252(9) “Reasonably well formed” means that the tomato is not decidedly kidney-shaped, lop-sided, elongated, angular, or otherwise decidedly deformed.

    271(10) “Slightly rough” means that the tomato is not decidedly ridged or grooved.

    284(11) “Serious damage” means any specific defect described in Rule 2945G-3.009, 295F.A.C., Table II; or an equally objectionable variation of any one of these defects, any other defect, or any combination of defects, which seriously detracts from the appearance, or the edible or marketing quality of the tomato.

    332(12) “Misshapen” means that the tomato is decidedly kidney-shaped, lop-sided, elongated, angular or otherwise decidedly deformed provided that the shape is not affected to an extent that the appearance or the edible quality of the tomato is very seriously affected.

    372(13) “Very serious damage” means any specific defect described in Rule 3835G-3.009, 384F.A.C., Table II; or an equally objectionable variation of any one of these defects, any other defect, or any combination of defects, which very seriously detracts from the appearance, or the edible or marketing quality of the tomato.

    422Rulemaking Authority 570.56 FS., Chapter 80-12, Laws of Florida. Law Implemented 570.56 FS., Chapter 80-12, Laws of Florida. History–New 8-17-80, Formerly 5G-3.08.


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