5O-5.002. Statewide Renewable Energy Goals  

Effective on Tuesday, August 9, 2022
  • 1(1) Section 3377.703(2)(h)1., F.S., 5authorizes the Department to establish goals and strategies to increase the use of renewable energy in Florida.  Pursuant to this authority, the Department hereby establishes the following statewide renewable energy goals. Each Electric Utility that produces or purchases energy should seek to achieve an increase in the amount of renewable energy produced or purchased to at least:

    62(a) 40% renewable energy by 2030;

    68(b) 63% renewable energy by 2035;

    74(c) 82% renewable energy by 2040;

    80(d) 100% renewable energy by 2050;

    86(2) For purposes of determining whether these goals have been met, the baseline amount of renewable energy produced or purchased by each Electric Utility shall be the amount of renewable energy reported in 2021 by the Electric Utility to the Public Service Commission as part of its 10-year Site Plan pursuant to Section 139186.801, F.S.

    141Rulemaking Authority 143377.703(2)(g), 144570.07(23) FS. 146Law Implemented 148377.703(2)(h)1. FS. 150History–New 8-9-22.