60BB-9.121. Federal Quality Funds (Transferred)  

Effective on Monday, August 18, 2008
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    260BB-9.121 3Federal Quality Funds.

    6(1) Pursuant to 945 C.F.R. 98.11, 12the Agency for Workforce Innovation (the Agency) has broad authority to administer the Child Care and Development Fund program through other governmental or non-governmental entities. In addition, the Agency can use other public or private local agencies to impl51e52ment the program; however:

    56(a) The Agency shall retain overall responsibility for the administr66a67tion of the program, as defined in 74subsection 75(2) of this 78rule;

    79(b) The Agency shall serve as the single point of contact for issues involving the administration of the grantee9899s Child Care and Development Fund program; and

    107(c) Administrative and implementation responsibilities undertaken by agencies other than the Agency shall be governed by written agre125e126ments that specify the mutual roles and responsibilities of the Agency and the other agencies in meeting the requirements of this part.

    148(2) In retaining overall responsibility for the administration of the pr159o160gram, the Agency shall:

    164(a) Determine the basic usage and priorities for the expenditure of Child Care and Development Fund funds;

    181(b) Promulgate all rules and regulations governing overall administration of the state Child Care and Development Fund Plan;

    199(c) Submit all reports required by the Secretary;

    207(d) Ensure that the program complies with the state’s approved Child Care and Development Fund Plan and all applicable Federal requirements;

    228(e) Oversee the expenditure of funds by subgrantees and contractors;

    238(f) Monitor programs and services;

    243(g) Fulfill the responsibilities of any subgrantee in any: disallowance under 25445 C.F.R. 98.60, 257et. seq; complaint or co262m263pliance action under 26645 C.F.R. 98.90, 269et. seq; or hearing or appeal action under title 27845 C.F.R. part 99; 282and

    283(h) Ensure that all State and local or non-governmental agencies through which the State administers the program, including agencies and contractors that determine individual eligibility, operate according to the rules established for the program.

    317(3) Pursuant to 32045 C.F.R. 98.51, 323no less than four percent of the aggregate Child Care and Development Fund funds expended by the Agency for a fiscal year, and i347n348cluding the amounts expended in the State pursuant to 35745 C.F.R. 98.53(b), 360shall be expended for quality activities.

    366(a) Quality activities may include but are not limited to:

    3761. Activities designed to provide comprehensive consumer education to parents and the public;

    3892. Activities that increase parental choice; and

    3963. Activities designed to improve the quality and availability of child care, including, but not limited to those described in paragraph (3)(b) of this 420rule421.

    422(b) Activities to improve the quality of child care services may include, but are not limited to:

    4391. Operating directly or providing financial assistance to organizations (including private non-profit organizations, public organizations, and units of general purpose local government) for the development, establishment, expansion, operation, and coordination of resource and referral programs sp475e476cifically related to child care;

    4812. Making grants or providing loans to child care providers to assist such providers in meeting applic498a499ble state, local, and tribal child care standards, including applicable health and safety requirements, pursuant to 51545 C.F.R. 98.40 518and 98.41;

    5203. Improving the monitoring of compliance with, and enforcement of, applicable state, local, and tribal requirements pursuant to 53845 C.F.R. 98.40 541and 98.41;

    5434. Providing training and technical assistance in areas appropriate to the provision of child care services, such as training in health and safety, nutrition, first aid, the recognition of communicable diseases, child abuse dete577c578tion and prevention, and care of children with special needs;

    5885. Improving salaries and other compensation (such as fringe benefits) for full-and part-time staff who provide child care services for which assi610s611tance is provided under this part; and

    6186. Any other activities that are consistent with the intent of this section.

    631(c) Pursuant to 63445 C.F.R. 98.16(h), 637the Agency shall describe in the state’s Child Care and Development Fund Plan the activities it will fund under this subsection.

    658(4) Non-Federal expenditures required by 66345 C.F.R. 98.53(c) 666are not subject to the requirement of 673subsection 674(3) of this 677rule678.

    679Specific Authority 411.01(4)(e) FS. Law Implemented 411.01(4)(c) FS. History–New 8-16898690-08.