60D-5.001. Purpose  

Effective on Tuesday, November 5, 1991
  • 1To comply with the Department of Management Services’ requirements under Section 12255.29, F.S., 14the following procedures shall be followed in advertising for bids for construction contracts, in determining the eligibility of potential bidders to submit proposals for construction contracts, in awarding construction contracts, for waiver of non-material bid deviations, for rejection of bids, for disqualification of contractors, in requesting authority to negotiate contracts, and in negotiating contracts. These rules do not apply to contracts for maintenance of facilities or maintenance of component parts of facilities.

    86Specific Authority 88255.29(1), 89(2), (3), 91255.30(1) FS. 93Law Implemented 95255.29, 96255.30(1) FS. 98History–New 5-26-76, Amended 6-7-77, 7-7-83, Formerly 13D-11.01, Amended 1-25-89, 11-5-91, Formerly 13D-11.001.