60L-33.00317. Reinstatement Appointments.

Effective on Sunday, January 26, 2014
  • 1(1) A career service employee who separates and is not on the payroll of any State Personnel System entity at any time during the interim period may, upon approval by the agency head or designee, be given a reinstatement appointment if the employee returns to the same position within the same agency within 31 calendar days from the effective date of the separation.  Such employee shall be:

    68(a) Appointed with the same employment status, pay, and benefits held by the employee at the time of separation from the agency.

    90(b) Treated as if they have been continuously employed.  However, the employee shall be placed on leave without pay for any portion of the interim period.

    116(2) A selected exempt service or senior management service employee may be reinstated as provided in (1), but shall be given an original appointment.

    140Rulemaking Authority 142110.1055, 143110.201(1), 144110.217(1), 145110.403(1), 146110.605(1) FS. 148Law Implemented 150110.105, 151110.217, 152110.403, 153110.605 FS. 155History–New 1-26-14.


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