61-41.030. Factory-built Schools, Insignia and Data Plate  

Effective on Sunday, September 13, 2009
  • 1(1) Each factory-built school building utilized for public educational purposes shall bear the “SREF/school” insignia of the Department and a data plate. The data plate shall be fabricated by the manufacturer of new buildings and the owner of existing buildings of durable material with the required information inscribed thereon. The insignia and data plate shall be permanently affixed on or about the electrical panel. The insignia must be affixed prior to leaving the factory. The data plate shall provide the following information:

    83(a) Name and address of Manufacturer;

    89(b) Name of Third Party Agency;

    95(c) Manufacturer certification number;

    99(d) Code Edition;

    102(e) Date of manufacture;

    106(f) Date of alteration;

    110(g) Number of modules;

    114(h) Construction type, as defined in Chapter 6 of the Code;

    125(i) Occupancy use classification in accordance with Chapter 3 of the Code;

    137(j) Serial number;

    140(k) Agency plan number;

    144(l) Standard plan approval number;

    149(m) Maximum floor load (pounds per square foot), live load, and dead load;

    162(n) Roof load, live load and dead load;

    170(o) Wind velocity rating;

    174(p) “U” rating of floor, wall and roof;

    182(q) Whether the building is approved for flood zone usage;

    192(r) Whether the building is approved for enhanced hurricane protection zone usage;

    204(s) Whether the building is designed for use as a public shelter in enhanced hurricane protection areas;

    221(t) Limitations of the plan approval by the third-party agency;

    231(u) Whether the building is rated as satisfactory for use as an educational facility;

    245(v) If an automatic sprinkler system is provided, whether the sprinkler system is required; and

    260(w) Any special stipulations and conditions of the building permit.

    270(2) Issuance of Insignia. Insignias to be affixed to factory-built schools shall be issued upon receipt by the Department of an inspection report designating the building is satisfactory for educational purposes and containing information required for the data plate.

    309(3) Revocation. The insignia shall be revoked upon a determination that the factory-built school fails to comply with the applicable standards. Revocation shall be accomplished through procedures established by Section 339120.60, F.S.

    341(4) Fees. Fees shall be paid prior to issuance of insignia for factory-built schools. One insignia shall be issued per building. The fees for insignia shall be as provided in Rule 37261-41.020, 373F.A.C. Such fees are non-refundable.

    378Rulemaking Authority 380553.415 FS. 382Law Implemented 384553.415 FS. 386History–New 9-13-01, Amended 5-13-07, 9-13-09, Formerly 3929B-1.030.