61-9.006. Three Years Lawful Practice  

Effective on Thursday, February 5, 1987
  • 1(1) Three years of lawful practice shall consist of experience by reason of practice in the profession as described by law and rule of the practice in which the applicant seeks licensure. Such lawful practice shall include valid licensure in the jurisdiction wherein the practice occurred if such licensure was required. Three years practice shall include continuous and noncontinuous practice, provided the requirements described above were met during such practice.

    71(2) An applicant for licensure pursuant to Section 79455.218(1), F.S., 81shall submit proof of three years lawful practice in one of the following forms:

    95(a) Copies of licenses or renewals thereof for the years of practice when the applicant possesses such licenses or renewals or has reasonable access to same for submission.

    123(b) In lieu of copies of licenses, a letter of recommendation from three persons who are licensed Florida practitioners in the profession for which the applicant seeks licensure may be submitted. Such letters shall certify the dates the writer has known the applicant, the writer’s association with the applicant, the writer's personal knowledge that the applicant has lawfully practiced, indicating the length of time and the place or places where he knows the applicant has practiced. The name, address and license number of the writer of such letters shall appear on the letters.

    216Rulemaking Authority 218455.218(1) FS. 220Law Implemented 222455.218(1)(e) FS. 224History–New 2-5-87, Formerly 21-15.006.