61A-7.004. Annual Certification Requirements  

Effective on Tuesday, June 14, 2005
  • 1A qualifying stand-alone bar receiving an “ss” or “ssf” designation shall file an annual affidavit, DBPR ABT 4000A-040, incorporated herein by reference, certifying that, on or before the licensee’s annual beverage license renewal, for the preceding twelve months, no more than ten percent of total gross revenue was derived from retail sales of food consumed on the licensed premises. The percentage of food sales shall be computed by dividing gross revenues from the sale of food consumed on the premises by the gross revenue of the licensed premises. Failure to file an affidavit in compliance with Section 98561.695(5), F.S., 100shall result in loss of designation.

    106Specific Authority 108561.695(9) FS. 110Law Implemented 112561.695(5) FS. 114History–New 6-14-05.


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