61G19-6.002. Certification for Multiple Inspection Classes  

Effective on Wednesday, September 26, 2001
  • 1The Board shall issue a single certificate valid for multiple inspection classes to:

    14(1) Persons holding multiple certificates under one of the voluntary certification programs defined in Rule 2961G19-6.016, 30F.A.C.;

    31(2) Persons holding multiple certificates under a voluntary certification program not defined in Rule 4561G19-6.016, 46F.A.C., which has been accepted for endorsement by the Board; and

    57(3) Persons qualifying by examination for multiple inspection classes under the provisions of this part.

    72Specific Authority 74468.606 FS. 76Law Implemented 78468.607, 79468.609 FS. 81History–New 5-23-94, Amended 11-28-95, 9-26-01.


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