61A-3.008. Location, Vendor Licenses  

Effective on Thursday, December 19, 1974
  • 1(1) A vendor must have a different license for each place of business operated.

    15(2) All licenses issued to vendors, other than railroads, sleeping cars, steamships, or airplanes licensed under Section 32565.02(2), 33(3), Florida Statutes, must be for a permanent location at which the business is to be operated; provided, however, licenses permitting consumption on the premises may be issued to pleasure or excursion boats making regular round trips which do not exceed one hundred miles in each direction. The fee for such licenses shall be the same as that charged for the same type license in the county wherein the “home port” of the boat is located; and, all such licenses shall be issued in the same manner as other beverage licenses are issued.

    126Specific Authority 128561.11 FS. 130Law Implemented 132565.02(2), 133(3), 134561.17 FS. 136History–Amended 3-22-73, 4-19-73, Repromulgated 12-19-74, Formerly 7A-3.08, 7A-3.008.