61B-80.120. Notice of Final Hearing; Scheduling; Venue; Continuances  

Effective on Thursday, February 3, 2005
  • 1(1) The arbitrator shall set the time and place for all final hearings. The arbitrator shall serve written notice of the final hearing by regular mail on all parties of record.

    32(2) All hearings shall be held in the state of 42Florida43. Whenever possible, hearings shall be held in the area of residence of the parties and witnesses or at the place most convenient to all parties as determined by the arbitrator.

    74(3) In the arbitrator’s discretion, a duly scheduled hearing may be delayed or continued for good cause shown. Requests for a continuance shall be made in writing. Except in cases of emergency, requests for continuance must be made at least 10 days prior to the date noticed for the final hearing.

    125Specific Authority 127718.1255(4)(i), 128718.112(2)(j)5., 129720.303(10)(d), 130720.306(9), 131720.311(1) FS. 133Law Implemented 135720.303(10), 136720.306(9), 137720.311(1) FS. 139History–New 2-3-05.


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