61D-8.006. Purse Requirements, Greyhound Racing

Effective on Sunday, September 19, 2004
  • 1(1) As required in Section 6550.09514(2)(f), F.S., 8each greyhound racing permitholder shall, during the permitholder’s race meet, supply kennel operators and the Division of Pari-Mutuel Wagering with weekly reports showing purses paid on each wagering category, within 10 days of Sunday after the end of any payment week. The weekly report shall reflect purse payments and handle by the following categories:

    62(a) Purses paid on live greyhound races;

    69(b) Purses paid for simulcast imports;

    75(c) Purses paid on greyhound intertrack and simulcast broadcasts as a host, separated by market area, or non-market area, if applicable, and commission calculations;

    99(d) As a guest, purses paid on greyhound intertrack and simulcast broadcasts;

    111(e) Purses paid when permitholder is a host for a non-greyhound permitholder, and when a guest during any dark period deferred from the previous fiscal year after the live meet;

    141(f) Simulcast export handle and commissions received for which purses are paid, with related transmission costs;

    157(g) Additional purse supplements for daily license fees or cardroom gross receipts;

    169(h) Any stakes and/or additional purse payments added;

    177(i) Any deductions from the gross purses and a description of such.

    189(2) Also, a report is required which summarizes all weekly purse payments made for the fiscal year including all categories enumerated in paragraphs (1)(a) through (1)(i) of this rule. This report and all supporting accounting records shall be submitted within 30 days of the end of each live meet and will be subject to audit under the provisions of Section 249550.09514, F.S.

    251Rulemaking Authority 253550.6305(5) FS. 255Law Implemented 257550.09514(2)(d) FS. 259History–New 9-19-04.


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