61G14-11.006. Reapplication  

Effective on Thursday, May 4, 1995
  • 1(1) An applicant who fails to achieve an appointment as a certified deputy pilot or a licensed state pilot is not prohibited from reapplying to take a future examination, provided the applicant remits to the Department of Business and Professional Regulation a reexamination fee in the amount of $200.00. However, any applicant who consecutively fails to achieve a passing grade on two (2) examinations and fails to achieve an overall average score of 85% on each of those two examinations, whether for the same port or not, shall not be certified as eligible for an examination for any port for a three (3) year period, from the date of the first such failure.

    114(2) Upon reapplication to take an examination, the applicant must complete the entire application form and must submit all required documents as though submitting an initial application.

    141Rulemaking Authority 143455.217, 144310.185, 145310.121(1)(b) FS. 147Law Implemented 149455.217, 150310.121(1)(b) FS. 152History–New 1-10-80, Amended 6-18-81, Formerly 21SS-5.15, Amended 6-10-86, 2-13-92, Formerly 21SS-5.015, Amended 6-6-93, Formerly 21SS-11.006, Amended 5-4-95.


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