61G19-2.006. Attendance at Board Meetings, Unexcused Absences  

Effective on Wednesday, June 21, 2000
  • 1(1) Board members shall attend all regularly scheduled Board meetings unless prevented from doing so by reason of court order, subpoena, business with a court which has the sole prerogative of setting the date of such business, conflict with other scheduled business of the Board, conflicting business previously authorized by the Board, death of family member, illness of the Board member, hospitalization of the member's immediate family, unavoidable travel delays or cancellations, or other extraordinary circumstances as approved by the Board.

    82(2) No Board member may be absent from three consecutive regularly scheduled Board meetings unless the absence is excused for one of the reasons stated in subsection (1) of this rule. An absence for any reason other than the reasons stated in subsection (1) constitutes an unexcused absence for the purpose of declaring a vacancy of the Board. An otherwise excused absence is not excused if the Board member fails to notify the Board office of the impending absence prior to the regularly scheduled Board meeting at which the absence will occur or unless the failure to notify the Board office is the result of circumstances surrounding the reason for the absence which the Board itself excuses after the absence has occurred.

    204(3) "Family" consists of immediate family, nieces, nephews, cousins, and in215216laws.

    217(4) "Immediate family" consists of spouse, child, parents, parents226227in228229law, siblings, grandchildren, and grandparents.

    234Specific Authority 236455.207(3), 237468.606(1) FS. 239Law Implemented 241455.207(3) FS. 243History–New 6-21-00.


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