61J2-10.038. Mailing Address: Place of Practice: Requirement for Notification  

Effective on Tuesday, December 8, 2020
  • 1(1) Pursuant to Section 5455.275(1), F.S., 7the Commission defines “current mailing address” as the current residential address which is used by a licensee or permit holder to receive mail through the United States Postal Service and the Commission defines “place of practice” as the physical location of the Real Estate Brokerage office established and maintained pursuant to Section 59475.22(1), F.S.

    61(2) Each licensee and permit holder is required to notify the Department in writing of the current mailing and e-mail address and any change in the current mailing or e-mail address within 10 days after the change. A first time failure to comply with this requirement shall result in the issuance of a Citation; second or subsequent violations will result in disciplinary proceedings against the licensee.

    127Rulemaking Authority 129455.275(1), 130475.05 FS. 132Law Implemented 134455.275 FS. 136History–New 4-9-95, Amended 12-8-20.