61K1-3.043. Instant Replay  

Effective on Monday, April 15, 2019
  • 1(1) When adequate technology is available, instant replay may be used by the referee who is working a bout to examine the fight ending sequence for fouls which led to the end of the bout. Instant replay may be used only after the fight has officially concluded and before the final official outcome of the fight is announced in the ring or cage. Only the referee is authorized to initiate instant replay review. The referee must watch the instant replay footage of the fight ending sequence and may consult with other referees assigned to work the program of matches to determine the correct outcome of the bout. Only the working referee is authorized to make the final official determination of the outcome of the bout following the instant replay review. No bout may resume after the initiation of instant replay review. Nothing in this part shall restrict the Commission’s authority to review any evidence in making a determination under subsection 16161K1-3.033(4), 162F.A.C.

    163(2) Instant replay is a video reproduction of something that recently occurred which was both filmed and or broadcast live using combinations of video servers and high-speed cameras.

    191(3) If the promoter decides to use instant replay in the filming and or broadcasting of any match, the cost of doing so shall be that of the promoter.

    220(4) The promoter shall advise the Commission before the first bout if instant replay will be used at a match and the type of equipment.

    245(5) The promoter, on request, shall provide the referee immediate access to the original instant replay footage in question.

    264(6) The instant replay footage may be by: frame-by-frame review, replay at variable speeds, slow motion, freeze frame, from multiple camera angles or any combination of the foregoing.

    292(7) Adequate technology for the purposes of rule 61K1-3.043, F.A.C., means that the quality of the instant replay footage must provide the referee with a clear and accurate view of the action in question.

    326Rulemaking Authority 328548.003 FS. 330Law Implemented 332548.003 FS. 334History–New 4-15-19.