62-303.700. Listing Cycle  

Effective on Wednesday, February 17, 2016
  • 1The Department shall, to the extent practical, develop basin-specific Verified Lists of impaired waters as part of its watershed management approach, which rotates through the State’s surface water basins on a five year cycle. If the specific pollutant(s) or response variables contributing to the impairment in a particular water segment is not known at the time the Planning or Study List is prepared, information in the lists shall provide the basis for including the water segment on the applicable list. The pollutant and concentration(s) causing the impairment shall be identified before the water segment is included on the Verified List to be adopted by Secretarial Order. During the listing cycle, interested parties shall be provided the opportunity to work with the Department to collect and evaluate additional water quality data and provide comments to the Department on the basin-specific lists. At any time during the listing cycle, interested parties may develop proposed water pollution control mechanisms that may affect the final Verified List adopted by the Secretary. To ensure that data or information will be considered in the preliminary basin assessment, it must be submitted to the Department or entered into FLASTORET, or its successors, or, if applicable, the DOH database no later than 60 days after the end of the verified period during the year of the assessment.

    220Rulemaking Authority 222403.061, 223403.067 FS. 225Law Implemented 227403.062, 228403.067 FS. 230History–New 6-10-02, Amended 12-11-06, 2-17-16.


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