62-306.200. Definitions  

Effective on Monday, January 11, 2016
  • 1(1) “Baseline” means the 5annual nutrient load from a pollutant source after performing all required pollution control activities, below which water quality credits may be generated. 27The baseline will be set forth in the permit, BMAP or RAP. The baseline for a point source is the entity’s annual wasteload allocation under the BMAP or RAP, or a water quality-based effluent limitation established in a permit, whichever is more stringent. The baseline for a non-agricultural nonpoint source is the entity’s individual annual load allocation or the applicable categorical load allocation under the BMAP or RAP. The baseline for an agricultural nonpoint source is the entity’s annual load allocation or applicable categorical load allocation, if specified in the BMAP or RAP, or the nutrient load expected following the entity’s implementation of applicable Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (DACS) adopted BMPs pursuant to Section 143403.067, F.S. 145For a concentrated animal feeding operation, the baseline is defined by the entity’s comprehensive nutrient management plan, or its allocation under the BMAP or RAP, whichever is more stringent.

    174(2) “Best management practices (BMPs)” means a practice or combination of practices adopted by rule by DACS, the Department, or the applicable Water Management District as an effective and practicable means for 206reducing nutrient inputs and 210improving water quality, taking into account economic and technological considerations.

    220(3) “Credit” means 223the amount of an entity’s nutrient 229load reduction 231below the baseline that will be available for trading purposes pursuant to the requirements of this chapter248. Credits shall be in either the units of pounds per year or kilograms per year.

    264(4) “Department” means the Florida Department of Environmental Protection.

    273(5) “Estimated credit” means 277a credit for nutrient 281load reductions 283where treatment methods do not reasonably allow influent and effluent water quality to be measured. All credits that are not measured credits are estimated credits.

    308(6) “Location Factors” (LFs) means 313adjustments to credits made by the Department 320to ensure that trades do not result in localized 329water quality 331impacts. Location Factors represent the relative impact a given unit of nitrogen or phosphorus discharged 346at one location has on the water quality in the impaired waterbody compared to the same amount of nitrogen or phosphorus discharged at another location371. LFs are used in trades to provide reasonable assurance that the seller’s credits are functionally equivalent in protecting the water quality of the waterbody or water segment.

    399(7) “Measured credit” means 403a credit for nutrient 407load reductions that can be directly monitored using 415water quality, including 418effluent, samples.

    420(8) “Municipal separate storm sewer system” or “MS4” has the same meaning as in Rule 43562-624.200, 436F.A.C.

    437(9) “Nonpoint source” means a source of pollutants discharged to surface or ground water, generally in response to rainfall events, 457that is not a point source463.

    464(10) “Permit” means an authorization 469issued by the Department pursuant to Chapter 403, F.S., 478to discharge into surface or ground waters.

    485(11) “Point source” means a 490pollutant discharge requiring a National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System permit pursuant to Chapter 62-620, 504F.A.C.

    505(12) “Trading Registry” means the water quality credit database created and maintained by the Department to register the generation and trading of water quality credits.

    530(13) “Technology-Based Effluent Limitation” (TBEL) means a minimum waste treatment requirement adopted by the Department based on treatment technology.

    549(14) “Uncertainty Factor” (UF) means the ratio of the estimated number of pounds or kilograms of 565nutrient load 567reduction by a nonpoint source to the number of pounds or kilograms of credit that will be authorized. The UF reflects the uncertainty associated with estimated credits.

    594(15) “Wastewater facility” means a facility that accepts and treats domestic wastewater or industrial wastewater as those terms are defined in Rule 61662-620.200, 617F.A.C.

    618(16) “WQBEL” means a Water Quality-Based Effluent Limitation developed pursuant to Chapter 62-650, F.A.C.

    632(17) “Water Quality Credit Trading” means the exchange of credits 642pursuant to the requirements of this chapter 649between 650nutrient sources652.

    653(18) “WBID” means a unique waterbody 659identification unit 661used 662by the Department 665to divide 667a waterbody into discrete segments for purposes of assessment and restoration under Section 680403.067, F.S682.

    683Rulemaking Authority 685403.067(9) FS. 687Law Implemented 689403.067(8)-690(10) FS. History–New 9-6-10, Amended 1-11-16.


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