62-528.120. Underground Injection Control: Scope  

Effective on Wednesday, November 20, 2002
  • 1(1) Chapter 62-528, F.A.C., covers all injection wells defined in subsection 1262-528.300(1), 13F.A.C., as Class I, III, IV or V wells.

    22(2) Injection wells defined as Class II wells in subsection 3262-528.300(1), 33F.A.C., are not included in this chapter. Class II wells are regulated by the Florida Geological Survey under Chapter 377, F.S., and Chapters 62C-26 through 62C-30, F.A.C.

    60(3) Specific inclusions. The following wells are included among those types of injection activities that are covered by this chapter. This list is not intended to be exclusive but is for clarification only.

    93(a) Any injection well other than a Class II well located on a drilling platform inside Florida’s territorial waters.

    112(b) Any dug hole or well that is deeper than its largest surface dimension, where a principal function of the hole is emplacement of fluids.

    137(c) Any well used by generators of hazardous waste, or by owners or operators of hazardous waste management facilities, to dispose of fluids containing hazardous waste. This includes the disposal of hazardous waste into what would otherwise be septic systems and cesspools, regardless of their capacity.

    183(d) Any septic tank, cesspool, or other well used by a multiple dwelling, community, or regional system for the injection of wastes.

    205(4) Specific exclusions. The following are not covered by this chapter:

    216(a) Injection wells located on a drilling platform or other site that is beyond Florida’s territorial waters.

    233(b) Any individual or single family domestic waste residential septic system or non-residential septic system receiving only domestic wastewater which has the capacity to serve fewer than twenty persons per day, and which is regulated under Chapter 64E-6, F.A.C.

    272(c) Any system, other than an injection well, permitted under Parts II, III, IV, or V of Chapter 62-610, F.A.C.

    292(d) Any dug hole, drilled hole, or bored shaft that is not used for the subsurface emplacement of fluids.

    311(e) Any well used in conjunction with the operation of an earth-coupled heat pump system as defined in subsection 33062-528.200(20), 331F.A.C.

    332Specific Authority 334373.309, 335403.061, 336403.087, 337403.704, 338403.721 FS. 340Law Implemented 342373.308, 343403.021, 344403.061, 345403.062, 346403.087, 347403.702, 348403.721 FS. 350History–New 8-10-95, Amended 11-20-02.


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