62-560.310. Violations  

Effective on Monday, January 17, 2005
  • 1(1) Prohibited Acts.

    4(a) Failure by a supplier of water to comply with the requirements of Section 18403.857, F.S., 20or dissemination by such supplier of any false or misleading information with respect to notices required pursuant to Section 39403.857, F.S., 41or with respect to remedial actions being undertaken to achieve compliance with state primary and secondary drinking water standards.

    60(b) Failure by a supplier of water to comply with rules adopted pursuant to Section 75403.853, F.S., 77or any rule adopted by the Department pursuant to the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act, or with conditions for variances, exemptions, or waivers authorized under Section 103403.854, F.S.

    105(c) Failure by any person to comply with any order issued by the Department pursuant to the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act.

    127(d) Failure by a supplier of water to allow any duly authorized representative of the Department or of the Department of Health to conduct inspections pursuant to Section 155403.858, F.S.

    157(e) Submission by any person of any false statement or representation in any application, record, report, plan or other document filed, or required to be filed by the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act, or rules adopted by the Department pursuant to its lawful authority.

    201(f) Failure by a supplier of water to comply with the requirements of a Department permit issued for constructing, altering, or extending a public water system.

    227(g) No supplier shall knowingly allow or encourage any operator in his employ to violate any rule or law related to treatment plant operation.

    251(h) Failure by a supplier of water to take corrective action to meet any applicable standard or treatment technique set forth in Chapters 62-550 and 62-555, F.A.C., and this chapter.

    281(2) Penalties.

    283(a) The Department shall assess administrative penalties for violations of subsection (1) above in accordance with Section 300403.121, F.S.

    302(b) A fine, not to exceed $10,000 for each day in which a violation occurs, may be imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction on any person who violates paragraphs (1)(a), (b), (d), (e), (f), and (h) above.

    341(c) A fine, not to exceed $10,000 for each day in which such violation occurs or failure to comply continues, may be imposed by a court of competent jurisdiction upon any person who violates or fails or refuses to comply with any order issued by the Department pursuant to the Florida Safe Drinking Water Act.

    397Rulemaking Authority 399403.861 FS. 401Law Implemented 403403.121, 404403.859, 405403.860 FS. 407History–New 11-19-87, Formerly 17-22.930, Amended 1-18-89, 5-23-91, 7-4-93, Formerly 17-560.310, Amended 11-27-01, 1-17-05.


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