62-814.480. Emergency Exemptions  

Effective on Thursday, January 7, 1993
  • 1An electrical facility that exceeds the maximum current rating (MCR) or highest operating voltage due to emergency conditions is exempt from the provisions of Rule 2662-814.450, 27F.A.C., provided the facility owner exercises reasonable practices to minimize the time the facility exceeds the MCR or highest operating voltage, and reports the duration of the exceedance and reasons for the exceedance to the Department pursuant to subsection 6662-814.510(2), 67F.A.C. The Department may consult with the Florida Public Service Commission to verify any emergency conditions. Emergency conditions mean conditions that cause the MCR or highest operating voltage to be exceeded due to unexpected, unforeseen or unanticipated events such as, but not limited to, failure of generating or electrical facilities due to natural or man-made causes beyond the control of the facility owner.

    130Specific Authority 132403.061(7), 133403.081, 134403.523(1) FS. 136Law Implemented 138403.061(30), 139403.523(14) FS. 141History–New 3-21-89, Amended 1-7-93, Formerly 17-274.480, 17-814.480.