62-814.530. Time of Compliance  

Effective on Thursday, January 7, 1993
  • 1(1) A facility owner shall take immediate action after discovery of an exceedance to bring the facility into compliance with the requirements of Rule 2562-814.450, 26F.A.C., unless a specific provision of this chapter authorizes a longer period of time.

    40(2) Failure by a facility owner to comply with the requirements of this chapter, or any conditions of certification or variance authorized under Sections 64403.511, 65or 66403.531, F.S., 68shall be a violation of this chapter and shall subject that facility owner to enforcement action under Chapter 403, F.S.

    88Specific Authority 90403.061(7), 91(30), 92403.161, 93403.523(1) FS. 95Law Implemented 97403.061(30), 98403.523(14) FS. 100History–New 1-7-93, Formerly 17-274.530, 17-814.530.