62B-36.005. Annual Funding Requests  

Effective on Wednesday, August 26, 2020
  • 1(1) Annual funding requests for cost sharing of beach management projects shall be submitted by the local sponsor to the Department. Projects previously submitted, but not funded, and projects with cost overruns may be included. Local sponsors who have received funding for projects in past fiscal years and who anticipate requesting funding in subsequent years shall update the Local Long Range Budget Plan as to costs and scheduling. The Local Long Range Budget Plan shall be consistent with the Strategic Beach Management Plan and have a 10-year minimum time frame. The annual funding request submittal shall be in electronic format and include:

    103(a) A detailed project description, including project boundaries by Department range monuments, methods used in conducting the project, and data or analysis to apply the ranking criteria required by Rule 13362B-36.006, 134F.A.C.

    135(b) A map of the project area depicting the public beach access, public parking within one quarter mile of each beach access, public restroom facilities, public lodging establishments, comprehensive plan designations for current land use of commercial and recreational properties within the project boundary, 179and the one-quarter mile buffer and the values of properties that are enclosed or intersected by the buffer197.

    198(c) Current license documentation on public lodging establishments within the project boundaries, including the number of units available, if used to document public access.

    222(d) A current or updated resolution from the local sponsor’s governing board which includes statements of their support of the project, willingness to serve as the local sponsor, and a statement of the extent of their ability and willingness to provide the necessary local funding share to implement the project. 272For projects proposing regionalization, local sponsors must provide an executed interlocal agreement, 284or comparable documentation, 287outlining the nature of regionalization.

    292(e) A schedule of activities by project phase.

    300(f) The annual project cost estimates indicating the federal, state, and local cost share, with sufficient supporting detail depicting costs of project phases. 323For projects with federal involvement, documentation to verify authorization, cost share, and funding status must be provided. For projects proposing cost-effectiveness, a project design analysis must be provided.

    351(g) The estimated 354volume of advanced nourishment lost since the last sand placement event of a beach restoration or nourishment project as measured landward of the Mean High Water Line 381(MHWL), and for construction projects, the proposed volume of beach fill placement.

    393(2) Annual funding requests for cost sharing of inlet management projects shall be submitted by the local sponsor to the Department. Projects previously submitted, but not funded, and projects with cost overruns may be included. Local sponsors who have received funding for projects in past fiscal years and who anticipate requesting funding in subsequent years shall update the Local Long Range Budget Plan as to costs and scheduling. The Local Long Range Budget Plan shall be consistent with the Strategic Beach Management Plan and have a 10-year minimum time frame. The annual funding request 487submittal shall be in electronic format and include:

    495(a) A map depicting the inlet.

    501(b) A description of the sediment budget and area of inlet influence from an adopted Inlet Management Plan or feasibility-level study.

    522(c) A detailed project description, including project boundaries by Department range monuments, methods used in conducting the project, and data or analysis to apply the ranking criteria required by Rule 55262B-36.006, 553F.A.C.

    554(d) A current or updated resolution from the local sponsor’s governing board which includes statements of their support of the project, willingness to serve as the local sponsor, and a statement of the extent of their ability and willingness to provide the necessary local funding share to implement the project.

    604(e) A schedule of activities by project phase.

    612(f) The annual project cost estimates indicating the federal, state, and local cost share, with sufficient supporting detail depicting costs of project phases. 635For projects with federal involvement, documentation to verify funding status must be provided.

    648(g) For projects that propose cost-effectiveness for increased bypassing, a project design analysis to demonstrate the anticipated increase in bypassing must be provided. 671For projects that propose cost-effectiveness of using inlet sand, an opinion of probable cost per unit volume of the inlet and all other sand sources, certified by a licensed professional engineer must be provided.

    705(3) The Department shall evaluate projects submitted to determine consistency with the Strategic Beach Management Plan project ranking, and the extent of cost sharing. Upon completion of the evaluation process, all eligible projects will be incorporated into the Department’s Statewide Long Range Budget Plan, which will be submitted to the Legislature along with the Department’s Local Government Funding Request that annually prioritizes projects according to the criteria in Rule 77462B-36.006, 775F.A.C.

    776(4) Funding requests shall be evaluated and ranked on the basis of information provided by the eligible governmental entity, except where such data is superseded by better quality information obtained by the Department. 809Local sponsors will be provided 21 days to review the project’s proposed ranking and provide clarification to support their requested award of scores. 832Failure to provide all required information and documentation relating to eligibility and ranking criteria will result in the request being declared ineligible or receiving reduced ranking points. Failure to provide accurate information will lead to termination of the project’s eligibility for funding for the requested fiscal year.

    879Rulemaking Authority 881161.101(21), 882161.143(6), 883161.161(7) FS. 885Law Implemented 887161.088, 888161.091(1), 889161.101(1), 890(2), (8), (9), (11), (12), (14), (15), (16), (17), (18), (19), (20), 902161.142(1), 903(2), (4), (5), (6), (7), 908161.143(1), 909(2), (3), (4), (5) 913161.161(1), 914(2), (6) 916FS. History–New 6-10-83, Formerly 16B-36.05, Amended 4-27-86, Formerly 16B-36.005, Amended 12-25-03, 8-5-13, 8-26-20.