62B-49.013. General Conditions  

Effective on Thursday, November 19, 2015
  • 1The following permit conditions shall apply to all permits issued pursuant to this chapter:

    15(1) All activities authorized by this permit shall be implemented as set forth in the 30project description, permit drawings, 34plans and specifications approved as a part of this permit, and all conditions and requirements of this permit. The permittee shall notify the Department in writing of any anticipated deviation from the permit prior to implementation so that the Department can determine whether a modification of the permit is required pursuant to Rule 8762B-49.008, 88F.A.C.

    89(2) If, for any reason, the permittee does not comply with any condition or limitation specified in this permit, the permittee shall immediately provide the Department and the appropriate District office of the Department with a written report containing the following information: a description of and cause of noncompliance; and the period of noncompliance, including dates and times; and, if not corrected, the anticipated time the noncompliance is expected to continue, and steps being taken to reduce, eliminate, and prevent recurrence of the noncompliance.

    173(3) This permit does not eliminate the necessity to obtain any other applicable licenses or permits that may be required by federal, state, local or special district laws and regulations. This permit is not a waiver or approval of any other Department permit or authorization that may be required for other aspects of the total project that are not addressed in this permit.

    236(4) 237Pursuant to Sections 240253.77 241and 242373.422, F.S., 244prior to conducting any works or other activities on state-owned submerged lands, or other lands of the state, title to which is vested in the Board of Trustees, the 273p274ermittee must receive all necessary approvals and authorizations under Chapters 253 and 258, F.S. Written authorization that requires formal execution by the Board of Trustees shall not be considered received until it has been fully executed310.

    311(5) Any delineation of the extent of a wetland or other surface water submitted as part of the permit application, including plans or other supporting documentation, shall not be considered specifically approved unless a specific condition of this permit or a formal determination under Section 356373.421(2), F.S., 358provides otherwise.

    360(6) This permit does not convey to the permittee or create in the permittee any property right, or any interest in real property, nor does it authorize any entrance upon or activities on property which is not owned or controlled by the permittee. The issuance of this permit does not convey any vested rights or any exclusive privileges.

    418(7) This permit or a copy thereof, complete with all conditions, attachments, plans and specifications, modifications, and time extensions shall be kept at the work site of the permitted activity. The permittee shall require the contractor to review the complete permit prior to commencement of the activity authorized by this permit.

    469(8) The permittee, by accepting this permit, specifically agrees to allow authorized Department personnel with proper identification and at reasonable times, access to the premises where the permitted activity is located or conducted for the purpose of ascertaining compliance with the terms of the permit and with the rules of the Department and to have access to and copy any records that must be kept under conditions of the permit; to inspect the facility, equipment, practices, or operations regulated or required under this permit; and to sample or monitor any substances or parameters at any location reasonably necessary to assure compliance with this permit or Department rules.

    576(9) At least 48 hours prior to commencement of activity authorized by this permit, the permittee shall 593electronically 594submit to the 597Department, by email at 601JCPCompliance@dep.state.fl.us, 602and the appropriate District office of the Department a written notice of commencement of construction indicating the actual start date and the expected completion date and an affirmative statement that the permittee and the contractor, if one is to be used, have read the general and specific conditions of the permit and understand them.

    656(10) If 658any prehistoric or 661historic artifacts, such as 665pottery or ceramics, stone tools or metal implements, shipwreck remains or anchors, dugout canoes or other physical remains that could be associated with Native American cultures, or early Colonial or American settlement 697are encountered at any time within the project site area, the permitted project shall cease all activities 714involving subsurface disturbance 717in the immediate 720vicinity of such discoveries. The permittee, or other designee, shall contact 731the 732Florida Department of State, Division of Historical Resources, Compliance and Review Section at (850)245-6333 or (800)847-7278, as well as the appropriate permitting agency office756. 757Project activities shall not resume without verbal and/or written authorization from the Division of Historical Resources. 773In the event that unmarked human remains are encountered during permitted activities, all work shall stop immediately and the proper authorities notified in accordance with Section 799872.05, F.S.

    801(11) Within 30 days after completion of construction or completion of a subsequent maintenance event authorized by this permit, the permittee shall 823electronically 824submit to the 827Department, by email at JCPCompliance@dep.state.fl.us, 832and the appropriate District office of the Department a written statement of completion and certification by a registered professional engineer. This certification shall state that all locations and elevations specified by the permit have been verified; the activities authorized by the permit have been performed in compliance with the plans and specifications approved as a part of the permit, and all conditions of the permit; or shall describe any deviations from the plans and specifications, and all conditions of the permit. When the completed activity differs substantially from the permitted plans, any substantial deviations shall be noted and explained on as-built drawings electronically submitted to the 938Department, by email at JCPCompliance@dep.state.fl.us943.

    944Rulemaking Authority 94620.255(8), 947161.041(8), 948161.055(1), 949(2), 950373.427(1) FS. 952Law Implemented 95420.255(8), 955161.041(3), 956(8), 957161.055(1), 958(2), 959373.427960(1), (2), (3), (4), 964872.02 FS. 966History–New 2-19-98, Amended 5-17-07, 11-19-15.


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