64B15-7.008. Notice of Noncompliance  

Effective on Tuesday, August 2, 2005
  • 1(1) Pursuant to Section 5456.073(3), F.S., 7the Department is authorized to provide a notice of noncompliance for an initial offense of a minor violation if the board establishes by rule a list of minor violations. A minor violation is one which does not endanger the public health, safety, and welfare and which does not demonstrate a serious inability to practice the profession. A notice of noncompliance in lieu of other action is authorized only if the violation is not a repeat violation and only if there is only one violation. If there are multiple violations, then the Department may not issue a notice of noncompliance, but must prosecute the violations under the other provisions of Section 117456.073, F.S. 119A notice of noncompliance may be issued to a licensee for a first time violation of one or both of the violations listed in paragraph (3)(b). Failure of a licensee to take action in correcting the violation within 15 days after notice shall result in the institution of regular disciplinary proceedings.

    170(2) The department shall submit to the board a monthly report detailing the number of notices given, the number of cases completed through receipt of a notarized statement of compliance from the licensee, and the types of violations for which notices of noncompliance have been issued. Notices of noncompliance shall be considered by the probable cause panels when reviewing a licensee’s subsequent violations of a same or similar offense.

    239(3) The following violations are those for which the board authorizes the Department to issue a notice of noncompliance:

    258(a) Failing to include the specific disclosure statement required by Section 269456.062, F.S., 271in any advertisement for a free, discounted fee, or reduced fee service, examination or treatment.

    286(b) Violating any of the following provisions of Chapter 459, F.S., as prohibited by Sections 301459.023 302and 303459.015(1)(bb), F.S.305:

    3061. Section 308459.023, F.S., 310which provides for criminal penalties for the practice as an anesthesiologist assistant without an active license. A notice of noncompliance would be issued for this violation only if the subject of the investigation met the following criteria: the subject was the holder of a license to practice as an anesthesiologist assistant at all time material to the matter; that license was otherwise in good standing; and that license was or will be renewed and placed in an active status within 90 days of the date it reverted to delinquent status based on failure to renew the license. If the license was in a delinquent status for more than 90 days and the individual continued to practice, then the matter would proceed under the other provisions of Sections 437456.073 438and 439456.035(1), F.S.

    4412. Failing to notify the board of a change of practice location, contrary to Section 456456.035(1), F.S.

    458Specific Authority 460456.073(3), 461459.023 FS. 463Law Implemented 465456.073(3), 466459.023 FS. 468History–New 8-2-05.


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