64B16-27.200. Purpose and Effect  

Effective on Thursday, October 8, 2015
  • 1The purpose of this rule chapter is to set forth pursuant to the requirements of Section 17465.186, F.S., 19the medicinal drug products which may be ordered and dispensed by pharmacists to the public and to set forth the terms and conditions under which such ordering and dispensing by the pharmacist may take place. The list of drugs set forth below and the conditions under which said drugs may be ordered and dispensed have been determined pursuant to a joint committee of medical, osteopathic and pharmacy professionals as created by Section 91465.186, F.S.

    93Rulemaking Authority 95465.186(2) FS. 97Law Implemented 99465.186 FS. 101History–New 5-1-86, Formerly 21S-18.001, 21S-27.200, 61F10-27.200, 59X-27.200.


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