64B2-16.010. Mediation  

Effective on Monday, November 1, 2004
  • 1(1) “Mediation” means a process whereby a mediator appointed by the department acts to encourage and facilitate resolution of a legally sufficient complaint. It is an informal and nonadversarial process with the objective of assisting the parties to reach a mutually acceptable agreement.

    44(2) The board finds that mediation is an acceptable method of dispute resolution for the following violations as they are economic in nature or can be remedied by the licensee:

    74(a) Failure of the licensee to timely pay any assessed administrative fines or costs, Section 89460.413(1)(v), F.S.

    91(b) Failure of the licensee to timely respond to a continuing education audit, Section 105460.413(1)(i), F.S.

    107(c) Failure to promptly return a license or certificate, Rule 11764B2-16.009, 118F.A.C.

    119(d) Issuance of a bad check to the Department, Section 129460.413(1)(i), F.S.

    131(e) Failure to notify the Department of a change of address within 45 days, Rule 14664B2-10.0055, 147F.A.C.

    148Specific Authority 150456.078 FS. 152Law Implemented 154456.078 FS. 156History–New 5-1-95, Formerly 59N-16.010, Amended 11-1-04.


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