64B4-2.0025. Qualified Supervisor Definitions and Duties

Effective on Sunday, June 30, 2024
  • 1(1) A “qualified supervisor” for clinical social work as specified in Section 13491.005(1)(c), F.S., 15means a licensed clinical social worker or the equivalent who meets the qualifications specified in Rule 3164B4-11.007, 32F.A.C.

    33(2) A “qualified supervisor” for marriage and family therapy as specified in Section 46491.005(3)(c), F.S., 48means a licensed marriage and family therapist or the equivalent who meets the qualifications specified in Rule 6564B4-21.007, 66F.A.C.

    67(3) A “qualified supervisor” for mental health counseling as specified in Section 79491.005(4)(c), F.S., 81means a licensed mental health counselor or the equivalent who meets the qualifications specified in Rule 9764B4-31.007, 98F.A.C.

    99(4) Form DH-MQA 5049, Qualified Supervisor Statement Instructions and Form (Revised 11/2021), hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, which can be obtained from 122http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-14256, 124or on the web 128www.floridasmentalhealthprofessions.gov/resources, 129must be submitted by all qualified supervisors prior to initiation of any supervision in Florida for registered interns.

    147(5) In addition to the requirements found in Rule 15664B4-2.002, 157F.A.C, a qualified supervisor shall:

    162(a) Provide the Board with a signed and dated letter which may be submitted electronically and which states the supervisor has agreed to provide the intern or applicant with supervision while a registered intern;

    196(b) Not commence supervision until the qualified supervisor confirms Board approval, registration status, and receipt of an approval letter from the Board office for each intern under supervision;

    224(c) Ensure that at all times the qualified supervisor and the intern act within their established scopes of practice providing the appropriate standard of care for each client of the intern;

    255(d) Report any violations of the scope of practice, standard of care, or any laws or rules directly to the Board within seven (7) days of the knowledge of such violation;

    286(e) Document on Form DH-MQA 5078, (5/2023), Supervision Log, hereby adopted and incorporated by reference, which can be obtained from, 306http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16613, 308and provide intern access to a copy;

    315(f) Ensure compliance with all continuing education requirements for both the qualified supervisor and the intern and provide updates to the intern on all changes to applicable laws and rules;

    345(g) Submit supervision hours to the Board within seven (7) days after the conclusion of supervision using form DH-MQA 1181, “Verification of Clinical Experience” which is incorporated in Rule 37464B4-3.0015, 375F.A.C.;

    376(h) Be available upon request of the Board of appear, to submit additional documentation, or to submit additional information regarding the intern’s performance during supervision;

    401(i) Terminate the supervision relationship if the qualified supervisor is unable to adequately provide supervision; and

    417(j) Notify the Board within seven (7) days of the termination of the supervision relationship for any reason.

    435(6) Failure to comply with any of the requirements or duties by a qualified supervisor shall be considered a violation of Section 457456.072(1)(k), F.S., 459for discipline purposes. 

    462(7) The supervisor is deemed to have acted within the appropriate scope of practice while providing supervision to an intern by maintaining and following a written policy which requires that the supervisor:

    494(a) Enter into a supervision contract with the intern, covering expectations, meetings, and cost;

    508(b) Provide training and feedback throughout the supervision process;

    517(c) Educate and update interns on their profession’s Code of Ethics;

    528(d) Describe ethical, legal, and regulatory issues of supervision, including documentation of the supervisory sessions;

    543(e) Emphasize the importance of providing assessments and using techniques which are sensitive to the individual client’s needs, including the client’s cultural background;

    566(f) Serve as a mentor and role model for professional conduct as well as self-care;

    581(g) Demonstrate the ethical, legal, and regulatory issues of teletherapy;

    591(h) Set clear personal and professional boundries; and

    599(i) Educate interns about personal versus professional self.

    607Rulemaking Authority 609491.004(5), 610491.005(1)(c), 611(3)(c), (4)(c) FS. Law Implemented 616491.005(1)(c), 617(3)(c), (4)(c) FS. History–New 12-16-96, Formerly 59P-2.0025, Amended 5-25-22, 6-30-24.


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