64B7-26.0035. Designated Establishment Managers

Effective on Sunday, March 13, 2022
  • 1(1) The massage therapist who serves as the designated establishment manager (DEM) for a massage establishment or establishments must practice in the massage establishment or establishments where they are serving as DEM.

    33(2) The massage therapist who serves as the DEM of a massage establishment must ensure that the massage establishment operate in compliance with the law, Chapters 456 and 480, F.S., and Division 64B7, F.A.C.

    67(3) For each massage establishment, the massage therapist who serves as the DEM must:

    81(a) Ensure that every massage therapist, practicing in the massage establishment is duly licensed, and that the licenses of all massage therapist practicing in the massage establishment are current and active;

    112(b) Ensure that every massage therapist practicing in the massage establishment has displayed their license as required by Rule 64B7-23.003, F.A.C.;

    133(c) Ensure that the massage establishment remains in compliance with Section 144480.0535(2), F.S., 146concerning documentation required while working in an establishment;

    154(d) Ensure that each licensed massage therapist and any person working in the massage establishment has unrestricted access to their own personal valid government identification to comply with Section 183480.0535(1), F.S.;

    185(e) Upon a report of any potential violations of Section 195480.0485, F.S., 197Rules 64B7-23.005 and/or 20064B7-26.010, 201F.A.C., related to sexual misconduct, or sexual activity report the potential violation to the department for investigation pursuant to Section 221456.073(1), F.S., 223within three days; and

    227(f) Ensure compliance with the provisions of Sections 235456.0341, 236and 237480.043, F.S., 239regarding human trafficking signage and procedures by:

    2461. Ensuring the establishment has a reporting procedure for human trafficking 257pursuant 258to Section 260480.043(13), F.S.;

    2622. Ensuring that all massage therapists and employees working in the establishment are aware of the establishment’s procedure for reporting suspected human trafficking; and

    2863. No DEM shall engage in or permit any person or person to engage in sexual activity in the massage establishment or to use the massage establishment to make arrangements to engage in sexual activity in any other place.

    325(4) A massage therapist who no longer serves as DEM for an establishment must notify the Board, within 3 days, that the massage therapist is no longer serving. Notification must include the license number of the establishment and the date on which the massage therapist ceased serving as DEM for the estab377lishment.

    378Rulemaking Authority 380480.035(7), 381480.043(3) FS. 383Law Implemented 385480.043(12), 386480.0535 FS. 388History‒New 8-31-20, Amended 3-13-22.