64B8-1.005. Unexcused Absences of Board Members  

Effective on Tuesday, November 15, 1994
  • 1(1) A Board member’s absence from a Board meeting shall be considered unexcused if the Board member had not received approval of the Chair or the Chair’s designee prior to missing the meeting.

    34(2) Arriving late for a Board meeting or leaving early from a Board meeting without prior approval of the Chair or the Chair’s designee shall be considered an unexcused absence.

    64Rulemaking Authority 66456.011(3) FS. 68Law Implemented 70456.011(3) FS. 72History–New 11-30-92, Formerly 21M-18.017, 61F6-18.017, Amended 11-15-94, Formerly 59R-1.017.