64B8-54.002. Request for Inactive or Retired Status License  

Effective on Sunday, December 22, 2013
  • 1(1) Any person holding an active license may change the license to inactive status upon submission of a letter to the Electrolysis Council, stating the licensee’s intention to change the license to inactive status. If the change is made at the time of license renewal, the licensee must pay the inactive status renewal fee, the delinquency fee if applicable, and the fee to change licensure status, in the amounts indicated in Rule 7364B8-54.004, 74F.A.C. Active status licensees choosing inactive status at any other time than at the time of license renewal must pay the fee to change licensure status.

    100(2) A licensee with an active or inactive license wishing to change to retired licensure status during the renewal period must pay the retired license fee. If changing to retired licensure status outside the renewal period, the change of status fee shall also be paid.

    145Rulemaking Authority 147456.036(16), 148478.43(1), 149(4) FS. Law Implemented 153456.036(2), 154(4)(b) FS. History–New 9-29-93, Formerly 61F6-79.002, 59R-54.002, Amended 4-2-98, 9-26-01, 4-25-06, 12-22-13.


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