64B8-9.018. Mandatory Standarized Informed Consent for Medical Marijuana; Required Documentation for Comparable Medical Conditions; Required Documentation for Smokable Medical Marijuana  

Effective on Tuesday, July 13, 2021
  • 1(1) Pursuant to Section 5381.986, F.S., 7the Board has approved form DH-MQA-5026 (rev. 03/21), entitled “Medical Marijuana Consent Form,” which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from 30http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13219, 32or 33the Board’s website at http://www.flboardofmedicine.gov/forms/medical-marijuana-consent-form.pdf, as the mandatory standardized informed consent form that a qualified physician must use each time the qualified physician issues a certification for medical marijuana to a patient he or she has diagnosed with at least one qualifying medical condition.

    77(2) Pursuant to Section 81381.986, F.S., 83qualified physicians who issue physician certifications for patients with medical conditions of the same kind or class as or comparable to: cancer; epilepsy; glaucoma; positive status for human immunodeficiency virus; acquired immune deficiency syndrome; post-traumatic stress disorder; amyotrophic lateral sclerosis; Crohn’s disease; Parkinson’s disease; or multiple sclerosis, are required to submit form DOH-MQA-5027 (rev. 2/18), entitled “Documentation Required Under Section 143381.986(4)(b), F.S.,145” which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from 155http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-09315, 157or 158the Board’s website at http://www.flboardofmedicine.gov/forms/statutorily-required-documentation.pdf. Said form must be submitted within 14 days after issuing the physician certification.

    176(3) Pursuant to Section 180381.986(4)(c), F.S., 182qualified physicians who determine that smoking marijuana is an appropriate route of administration for a qualified patient, other than a patient diagnosed with a terminal condition, are required to submit form DH-MQA-5035 (11/20), entitled “Documentation Required Under Section 220381.986(4)(c), F.S., 222Supporting the Determination that the Smoking of Medical Marijuana is an Appropriate Route of Administration,” which is hereby incorporated by reference and available from 247http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-24912774, 250or the Board’s website at 255https://flboardofmedicine.gov/forms/statutorily-required-documentation-mm.pdf256.

    257Rulemaking Authority 259381.986 FS. 261Law Implemented 263381.986 FS. 265History–New 4-30-18, Amended 8-4-19, 4-18-21, 7-13-21.


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