64E-12.001. General  

Effective on Sunday, January 20, 2008
  • 1(213) 4This rule 6chapter 7prescribes sanitary practices relating to construction, operation and maintenance of 17c18ommunity 19b20ased 21r22esidential 23f24acilities. If 26a requirement 28in this rule 31chapter 32conflict33s 34with a 36specific requirement in any other Florida state licensing agency’s rule, then th48at 49agency’s standards shall prevail and will be addressed by that agency’s officials61.

    62(63264) 65Base camps of wilderness programs shall be exempt from 74subsection75s (6) and (7) of Rule 8164E-12.005, 82F.A.C., 83of this chapter, 86and the mobile components of wilderness programs shall be exempt from all sections of this rule.

    102(1033104) Personal services may be provided to the residents through coordinated outsourcing by the community based residential facility or by a contract provider.

    127Specific Authority 129381.006, 130381.006(16) FS. 132Law Implemented 134381.006(16), 135386 FS. History–N138ew 6-18-87, Formerly 10D-23.001, Amended 1-20-08.


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