64E-5.604. ALARA Program  

Effective on Thursday, February 11, 2010
  • 1(1) Each licensee shall develop and implement a written program to maintain radiation doses and releases of radioactive material in effluents to unrestricted areas as low as reasonably achievable as provided in Rule 3464E-5.303, 35F.A.C.

    36(2) The management, radiation safety officer, and all authorized users shall participate in the establishment, implementation, and operation of the program as required by these regulations or the radiation safety committee.

    67(3) For licensees that are not 73required to have a radiation safety committee, 80medical institutions, management and all authorized users shall participate in the program as required by the RSO.

    97(4) The ALARA program shall include an annual review by the radiation safety committee for medical licensees 114required to have a radiation safety committee, 121or by management and the RSO for licensees that are not 132required to have a radiation safety committee139. The review shall include summaries of the types, amounts and purposes of radioactive material used; occupational dose reports; and continuing education and training of all personnel who work with or in the vicinity of radioactive material. The purpose of the review is to ensure that individuals make every reasonable effort to maintain occupational doses, doses to the general public, and releases of radioactive material as low as reasonably achievable, taking into account the state of technology and the cost of improvements in relation to benefits.

    225(5) The licensee shall retain a current written description of the ALARA program for the duration of the license. The written description shall include:

    249(a) A commitment by management to keep occupational doses as low as reasonably achievable;

    263(b) A requirement that the radiation safety officer annually report to management in writing on the radiation safety program; and

    283(c) Categories of personnel exposure levels that, when exceeded, will initiate investigation by the radiation safety officer of the cause of the exposure and actions taken to reduce the probability of recurrence.

    315Rulemaking Authority 317404.022, 318404.051, 319404.061, 320404.071, 321404.081, 322404.141 FS. 324Law Implemented 326404.022, 327404.051(1), 328(4), (5), (6), (8), (9), (10), (11), 335404.061(2), 336(3), 337404.071(1), 338404.081, 339404.141 FS. 341History–New 8-25-91, Amended 1-1-94, Formerly 10D-91.710, Amended 2-11-10.


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