64E-5.902. Instructions to Workers  

Effective on Monday, May 18, 1998
  • 1(1) All individuals who in the course of employment are likely to receive an occupational dose in excess of 100 millirem (1mSv) in a year:

    26(a) Shall be kept informed of the storage, transfer, or use of sources of radiation in the licensee’s or registrant’s facility;

    47(b) Shall be instructed in the health protection problems associated with exposure to radiation or radioactive material, in precautions or procedures to minimize exposures, and in the purposes and functions of protective devices employed;

    81(c) Shall be instructed in, and instructed to observe, to the extent within the worker’s control, the applicable provisions of these regulations and licenses for the protection of personnel from exposures to radiation or radioactive material;

    117(d) Shall be instructed of their responsibility to report promptly to the licensee or registrant any condition which may constitute, lead to, or cause a violation of the Act, these regulations, and licenses or unnecessary exposure to radiation or radioactive material;

    158(e) Shall be instructed in the appropriate response to warnings made in the event of any unusual occurrence or malfunction that may involve exposure to radiation or radioactive material; and

    188(f) Shall be advised as to the radiation exposure reports which workers shall be furnished pursuant to Rule 20664E-5.903, 207F.A.C.

    208(2) In determining those individuals subject to the requirements of (1), above, licensees or registrants shall consider assigned activities during normal and abnormal situations involving exposure to sources of radiation or radioactive material that reasonably can be expected to occur during the life of the licensee’s or registrant’s facility. The extent of these instructions shall be commensurate with potential radiological health protection problems present in the workplace.

    275Rulemaking Authority 277404.051, 278404.061, 279404.081 FS. 281Law Implemented 283404.051(1), 284(4), 285404.061(2), 286404.081 FS. 288History–New 7-17-85, Amended 1-1-94, Formerly 10D-91.1003, Amended 5-18-98.


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