65C-14.122. Standards for Unaccompanied Alien Children (UAC) Homes and Unaccompanied Refugee Minor Programs (Transferred)  

Effective on Wednesday, May 26, 2021
  • 1(1) The child-caring agency providing services for unaccompanied minor children (UAC) must meet the licensing requirements set forth in 20Rules 2165C-14.001 22through 65C-14.116, F.A.C., 25in addition to the program standards in this rule.

    34(2) The child-caring agency shall ensure a contractual or grant agreement was executed with the Office of Refugee and Resettlement (ORR) in order to provide care and services to unaccompanied and/or undocumented minor children.

    68(3) 69The child-caring agency shall ensure all direct care staff complete training hours on immigration in child welfare, cultural awareness, and human trafficking related topics, as outlined in the Section 4.3.6. of the Office of Refugee and Resettlement (ORR) UAC Program Policy, March 11, 2019, incorporated by reference and available at 119http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13072121.

    122(4) The child-caring agency providing care to unaccompanied children shall not provide care to dependent youth in the same home or under the same license.

    147(5) The child-caring agency may utilize a shift care or house parent staffing model.

    161(6) The director and direct care staff shall sign the “172Partnership Plan for Unaccompanied Alien and Refugee Minor Children” 181form, 182CF-FSP 5446, Apr 2021, 186incorporated by reference and available at 192http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-13069194.

    195(7) The child-caring agency shall provide a copy of their education plan outlining how education will be provided for youth.

    215(8) The child-caring agency shall notify the Department of any changes in the contract/grant agreement, and submit an updated copy, to include ORR’s decision to no longer utilize the facility.

    245(9) Record retention of child files shall be relinquished to the ORR when the child-caring agency no longer selects to maintain a license.

    268(10) Incident reports shall be available to the licensing Department upon request.

    280(11) The child-caring agency must develop policies and procedures on the administration and management of medication. A 297licensed health care provider must write or verbally order all nonprescription medications. Verbal orders must be documented in the child’s file. The child-caring agency must align all health and safety policies with guidelines of the Office of Refugee Resettlement located 337at 338Health and Safety The Administration for Children and Families (hhs.gov)348.

    349Rulemaking Authority 351409.175(5) FS. 353Law Implemented 355409.175 FS. 357History–New 5-26-21.