65C-15.036. Intercountry Adoption Services  

Effective on Thursday, June 15, 2017
  • 1(1) The 3child-placing 4agency which engages in intercountry adoptions shall provide to the adoptive parents all legal documents pertaining to the adopted child that have been obtained from the child’s country of origin.

    34(2) Any child-placing agency which conducts intercountry adoptions and is accredited by the United States Department of State shall remain in good standing with the accreditation body.

    61(3) If the Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption suspends or revokes accreditation of a child-placing agency, the Department will consider the action of the accreditation suspension or revocation grounds for revocation of the child-placing agency’s license.

    105(4) The agency shall comply with all applicable adoption laws of the child’s country of origin, the United States, and the state of Florida.

    129Rulemaking Authority 131409.175(5)(a) FS. 133Law Implemented 135409.175(5)(a) FS. 137History–New 10-27-93, Formerly 10M-24.052, Amended 11-14-16, 6-15-17.