65E-20.011. Receipt of Commitment Orders and Required Documentation  

Effective on Tuesday, January 5, 2021
  • 1(1) Commitment orders pertaining to any person committed to the Department of Children and Families pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 916, F.S., shall be sent to the Department of Children and Families for review and determination of an appropriate facility placement for the client. The order shall be accompanied by documentation specified in Florida Rules of Criminal Procedure 3.212 and 3.217. The complete commitment package shall be sent to one of the following addresses:

    76For mentally ill forensic clients, the perferred method is to send via email to DCF.Adult.Forensic.Admissions@myflfamilies.com. Alternatively, packets can be mailed to:

    97Forensic Admission Coordinator,

    100Department of Children and Families/SAMH

    1051317 Winewood Boulevard, Building 6

    110Tallahassee, FL 32399-0700


    114For developmentally disabled forensic clients, the preferred method is to send via email to APD.Forensic.Admissions@apdcares.org.

    129Alternatively, packets can be mailed to:

    135APD Forensic Admissions

    1384030 Esplanade Way

    141Tallahassee, FL 32399-0950


    145Upon receipt of each commitment package the Department shall review the package for completeness.

    159(a) If complete, the date of receipt shall be recorded. The statutory 15 day period set forth in Section 178916.107(1)(a), F.S., 180will commence on this day.

    185(b) If the package is incomplete, the appropriate authority will be notified of the missing items and advised that the official date of receipt of the commitment package will be delayed until all missing items are received.

    222(2) Clients are scheduled for admission based on date of receipt of complete commitment package. Upon notification by the Department of the availability of a bed and date of assignment, the committing county will be responsible for arranging transportation.

    261(3) Admissions at state forensic facilities are accepted Monday through Thursday from 8:00 a.m. through 3:00 p.m., and Fridays from 8:00 a.m. through 1:00 p.m. No weekend or holiday admissions are accepted.

    293(4) Assignment of a forensic client for admission to a civil mental health treatment facility shall be done according to procedures established by the Department. Prior to the assignment to a civil facility, that facility must be contacted and approval obtained. A forensic client who is dangerous or is a serious escape risk shall not be assigned to a civil facility.

    354Rulemaking Authority 356916.1093(2) FS. 358Law Implemented 360916.107 FS. 362History–New 9-29-86, Amended 7-1-96, Formerly 10E-20.011, Amended 11-29-12, 1-5-21.