65E-5.330. Training  

Effective on Monday, April 4, 2005
  • 1(1) In order to ensure the protection of the health, safety, and welfare of persons treated in receiving and treatment facilities, required by Section 25394.457(5)(b), F.S., 27the following is required:

    31(a) Each designated receiving and treatment facility shall develop policies and procedures for abuse reporting and shall conduct training which shall be documented in each employee’s personnel record or in a training log.

    64(b) All staff who have contact with persons served shall receive training in verbal de-escalation techniques and the use of bodily control and physical management techniques based on a team approach. Less restrictive verbal de-escalation interventions shall be employed before physical interventions, whenever safety conditions permit.

    110(c) All staff who have contact with persons served shall receive training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation within the first six months of employment if not already certified when employed and shall maintain current certification as long as duties require direct contact with persons served by the facility.

    156(d) A personnel training plan that prescribes and assures that direct care staff, consistent with their assigned duties, shall receive and complete before providing direct care or assessment services, 14 hours of basic orientation training, documented in the employee’s personnel record, in the following:

    2001. Rights of persons served by the facility and facility procedures required under Chapter 394, Part I, F.S., and Chapter 65E-5, F.A.C.;

    2222. Confidentiality laws including psychiatric, substance abuse, HIV and AIDS;

    2323. Facility incident reporting;

    2364. Restrictions on the use of seclusion and restraints, consistent with unit policies and procedures, and this chapter;

    2545. Abuse reporting required by Chapter 415, F.S.;

    2626. Assessment for past or current sexual, psychological, or physical abuse or trauma;

    2757. Cross-training for identification of, and working with, individuals recently engaging in substance abuse;

    2898. Clinical risk and competency assessment;

    2959. Universal or standard practices for infection control;

    30310. Crisis prevention, crisis intervention and crisis duration services;

    31211. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision, as referenced in subparagraph 32865E-5.285(1)(a)2., 329F.A.C.; and

    33112. Honoring preferences contained in advance directives prepared by persons served by the facility.

    345(2) In addition to the training required in this rule, procedures must assure that mental health services staff shall annually receive 12 hours continuing training in the skills and knowledge employed in performing their respective responsibilities. Employees during their first year of employment shall undergo no less than the 14 hours of orientation, as described in paragraph (1)(c) above, and 12 hours of in-service training.

    410(3) Procedures shall require that individuals who deliver the staff training curriculum for mental health services shall be qualified by their experience and training in the content presented.

    438(4) A plan shall be developed and implemented providing for the mandatory training for employees, emergency room personnel and physicians in the Baker Act, relative to their positions and responsibilities, and any implementing local coordination agreements or protocols.

    476Specific Authority 478394.457(6)(a) FS. 480Law Implemented 482394.457(5)(b), 483(6), 484394.459(4), 485415 FS. History–New 11-29-98, Amended 4-4-05.


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