65G-15.001. Definitions  

Effective on Monday, May 2, 2022
  • 1(1) “Agency” means the 5Agency for Persons with Disabilities.

    10(2) “Claimant” means any person who submits a restitution claim alleging property damage and/or direct medical expenses for his or her injuries under Section 34402.181, F.S.

    36(3) “Health care” means services, supplies, and equipment that are necessary for the treatment of an injury to a person’s body.

    57(4) “Incident” means the same or similar event or occurrence in time.

    69(5) “Resident” means any individual of any developmental disability center or state institution 82under the supervision of the Agency, while such individual is living and receiving services at the center or institution. 101This includes Tacachale, Sunland Center, the Developmental Disabilities Defendant Program (“DDDP”), and Pathways.

    114(6) “Preponderance of the evidence” means the party bearing the burden of proof must present evidence which shows that the fact to be proven is more probable than not.

    143(7) “Repair cost” means the cost of services to restore a damaged asset to a condition that is as useful or productive as the asset was before the damage.

    172(8) “Replacement cost” means the cost of acquiring an asset that is of comparable value as the asset previously held.

    192(9) “Restitution” means recompense for injury or loss. Restitution includes any taxes, shipping, or other related costs necessary to be made whole.

    214(10) “Restitution claim” means any reimbursement claim resulting from property damages and/or direct medical expenses for injuries caused by a resident(s) that has not been restored or recompensed by any other source including but not limited to workers’ compensation, casualty and liability insurance, and health insurance.

    260Rulemaking Authority 262402.181(3), 263393.501(1) FS. 265Law Implemented 267402.181 FS. 269History–New 5-2-22.