65G-2.011. Foster Care Facility Standards  

Effective on Tuesday, July 1, 2014
  • 1(1) ADMINISTRATION3. 4Each foster care facility shall designate a person as responsible for the on-going operation of the foster care facility and for ensuring compliance with Chapter 65G-2, F.A.C. and Section 33393.067, F.S. 35A violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class II violation.


    49(a) Fiscal records pertaining to the cost of providing care to Agency clients shall be maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

    72(b) The Agency may audit the records of a foster care facility to ensure compliance with Chapter 65G-2, F.A.C. and Section 93393.067, F.S., 95provided that financial audits shall be limited to the records of Agency clients.

    108(c) Upon request by the Agency, the foster care facility shall make available copies of any internal or external audit reports pertaining to funding received on behalf of Agency clients.

    138(d) The provider, the provider’s employees, and any family members thereof are prohibited from:

    1521. Being the named beneficiary of a resident’s life insurance policy unless related to the resident by blood or marriage;

    1722. Receiving any indirect financial benefit from a resident’s life insurance policy unless related to the resident by blood or marriage; or

    1943. Borrowing or otherwise using a resident’s personal funds for any purpose other than the resident’s benefit.

    211(e) A violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class III violation.

    223(3) STAFFING. In addition to the staffing requirements delineated under Rule 23465G-2.008, 235F.A.C., foster care facilities which utilize live-in caregivers must provide for at least one back-up direct care staff, who has undergone a successful background screening in accordance with Section 264393.0655, F.S. 266and Chapter 435, F.S., that would be willing and able to render services to residents in the event that neither of the live-in caregivers are able to do so. A violation of this subsection shall constitute a Class II violation.

    306Rulemaking Authority 308393.501(1), 309393.067 FS. 311Law Implemented 313393.067 FS. 315History–New 8-13-78, Formerly 10F-6.09, 10F-6.009, 32065B-6.009, 321Amended 7-1-14.


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