65G-5.013. Rates and Payments.

Effective on Wednesday, January 18, 1995
  • 1(1) The area office shall establish a rate agreement with each provider based on reasonable and necessary costs. Rates for services provided through the CSLA Medicaid state plan option or the DS/HCBS waiver shall not exceed the maximum rates established by Medicaid.

    43(2) Payments for services provided through CSLA or the Developmental Disabilities Home and Community-Based Services Waiver will be made to the provider by Medicaid’s fiscal agent. Payments for services provided solely through state general revenue funds will be made to the provider by the Florida state comptroller.

    90Rulemaking Authority 92393.501(1) FS. 94Law Implemented 96393.063(45), 97393.066 FS. 99History–New 1-18-95, Formerly 10F-11.015, 65B-11.015.