68B-31. Shrimp  

68B-31.001. Purpose and Intent; Designation of Shrimp as Restricted Species; Recreational and Commercial Harvest on the Same Trip
68B-31.002. Definitions
68B-31.003. Size Requirement; Exceptions
68B-31.004. Bag and Vessel Limits
68B-31.005. Seasons; Open and Closed Periods
68B-31.006. Allowable Gear and Harvest Methods; Prohibited Gear; Turtle Excluder Devices, Exceptions; Bycatch Reduction Devices
68B-31.007. Sale and Purchase Requirements
68B-31.008. Year-round Closed Areas
68B-31.009. Commercial License Requirements
68B-31.010. Northwest Region Food Shrimp Production Gear Specifications (Repealed)
68B-31.011. Big Bend Region Food Shrimp Production Gear Specifications (Repealed)
68B-31.012. Southwest Region Food Shrimp Production Gear Specifications (Repealed)
68B-31.013. Southeast Region Food Shrimp Production Gear Specifications (Repealed)
68B-31.014. Northeast Region Food Shrimp Production Gear Specifications (Repealed)
68B-31.015. Northeast Florida Shrimping: Definition (Repealed)
68B-31.016. Tortugas Shrimp Beds: Repeal of Section 370.151(2), F.S. (1991); Redescription of Tortugas Shrimp Beds; Closed Areas (Repealed)
68B-31.017. Big Bend Region Closed Areas; Seasonal Closures (Repealed)
68B-31.018. Northwest Region Closed Areas; Repealed Special Acts (Repealed)
68B-31.019. Regulation of Shrimp Fishing in Tampa Bay; License Requirements (Repealed)
68B-31.0035. Trawls: Allowed Use; Maximum Square Footage of Mesh Area; Definitions (Repealed)
68B-31.0045. Trawl Gear Specifications: Bycatch Reduction Devices (Repealed)
68B-31.0061. Northeast Region: Allowable Gear and Harvest Methods; Prohibited Gear
68B-31.0062. Southeast Region: Allowable Gear and Harvest Methods; Prohibited Gear; Seasonal and Spatial Trawling Restrictions
68B-31.0063. Southwest Region: Allowable Gear and Harvest Methods; Prohibited Gear; Seasonal and Spatial Trawling Restrictions
68B-31.0064. Big Bend Region: Allowable Gear and Harvest Methods; Prohibited Gear; Seasonal and Spatial Trawling Restrictions
68B-31.0065. Northwest Region: Allowable Gear and Harvest Methods; Prohibited Gear
68B-31.0066. Landing and Transport Requirements; Live Well and Storage Requirements
68B-31.0067. Seasonal East Coast Night Trawling Prohibited
68B-31.0135. Southeast Region: Biscayne Bay (Dade County) Food Shrimp Production Season and Weekly Closures (Repealed)
68B-31.0136. Southeast Region: Food Shrimp Production Closed Area (Portion of Monroe County) (Repealed)
68B-31.0155. Northeast Florida Shrimping: Closed Season; Allowable Harvest Days; Commercial Food Shrimp Production License and Transferability; Closed Areas (Repealed)
68B-31.0156. Florida East Coast Shrimp Bed: Repeal of Section 370.156, Florida Statutes; Seasonal Food Shrimp Production Closure; Exception; Definition (Repealed)
68B-31.0157. East Coast: Night Trawling Prohibited; Exception (Repealed)