68E-9.003. Artificial Reef Program Application  

Effective on Sunday, July 1, 2001
  • 1(1) Applicant Eligibility. Program financial assistance is available only to coastal local governments as defined in subsection 1868E-9.002(3), 19F.A.C., and nonprofit corporations as defined in subsection 2768E-9.002(10), 28F.A.C. To meet project funding eligibility requirements, a nonprofit corporation must also:

    40(a) State in its articles of incorporation or bylaws that one of its objectives is the development or monitoring of artificial reefs;

    62(b) Demonstrate coordination with the appropriate coastal local government, including conceptual project approval by the local government;

    79(c) Have written authorization from the permit holder to use a permitted site if the permit holder is an entity other than the nonprofit corporation; and,

    105(d) Have filed Articles of Incorporation with the Department of State prior to applying for financial assistance under this grant program and furnish the Commission with a valid letter of authorization or similar documentation of 501 (c)(3) status from the Internal Revenue Service.

    148(2) A coastal local government or qualified nonprofit corporation interested in applying for financial assistance under the program must submit to the Commission a completed construction and/or monitoring application together with all required attachments. The construction grant application is listed as FWCC-AR01 and the monitoring grant application is listed as FWCC-AR02 in Rule 20168E-9.007, 202F.A.C. An applicant may submit no more than one construction project application and one monitoring application per grant cycle.

    221(3) For complex projects beyond the scope of the standard applications, a formal project proposal is required which includes but is not limited to a detailed project description and relevant application data as provided by the application forms listed in Rule 26268E-9.007, 263F.A.C., and in subsection 26768E-9.005(3), 268F.A.C. In order to meet program strategic plan objectives, or complete federal grant tasks, the Commission may elect to solicit grant applications on specific topics by advertising requests for proposals in the Florida Administrative Register and by contacting interested parties in writing at least two months prior to the closing date for program application.

    322(4) Application Process. The Division shall send out a call for applications to all prospective project applicants in the first week of January. The call for applications shall include both construction and monitoring project application forms and other information as required. The application receipt deadline shall be the third Friday in March. This does not preclude the Division from providing funds for additional projects after the deadline if additional uncommitted funds become available.

    395Rulemaking Authority Article IV, Section 9, Fla. Const., 403379.249(2), 404(4) FS. Law Implemented Article IV, Section 9, Florida Constitution, 414379.249 FS. 416History–New 7-1-01.


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