68E-9.006. Project Funding  

Effective on Sunday, July 1, 2001
  • 1Project funding limits. The Commission may provide up to $60,000 per state fiscal year for an artificial reef project, based on the criteria set forth in Rule 2968E-9.003, 30F.A.C., above. During any given funding year the combined funding available to all the applicants applying from a given county shall not exceed twenty percent of the total artificial reef project funds available. The Commission may consider project funding in excess of $60,000 for a single project depending on the availability of funds, the total number of applications received, and the nature and scope of project applications which provide the following:

    102(1) Expanded economic opportunities, particularly in depressed areas.

    110(2) Research and evaluation projects on traditional or new artificial reef materials or designs.

    124(3) Experimental artificial reef construction designed to:

    131(a) Provide improvements in habitat quality, durability or stability over that of conventional reuse material; and,

    147(b) Provide reefs which enhance the conservation/preservation of fisheries resources through design and placement resulting in reduction of directed fishing pressure and over fishing.

    171(4) Development of local or regional artificial reef management plans and supporting studies.

    184(5) Multi-county regional reef construction or assessment projects.

    192Rulemaking Authority Article IV, Section 9, Fla. Const., 200379.249(2), 201(4) FS. Law Implemented Article IV, Section 9, Florida Constitution, 211379.249 FS. 213History–New 7-1-01.


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