69A-62.035. Safety Training  

Effective on Monday, September 6, 2004
  • 1After a firefighter employer has abated a noticed violation that created a particular hazard, the Firefighter Employer shall provide to each affected firefighter employee safety training designed to prevent recurrence of the violation within the time frame specified by the Division. Safety training shall include at least recognition and avoidance of the particular hazard and knowledge of the protective measures required to prevent injury. Abatement of a safety training violation under this subsection shall include completion and documentation of the training. If a condition for abatement of a noticed violation includes safety training and the firefighter employer fails to provide the training to all affected firefighter employees, each affected firefighter employee not trained constitutes a separate violation. All training shall be documented and a copy placed in each effected employee’s personnel file.

    133Rulemaking Authority 135633.508, 136633.526 FS. 138Law Implemented 140633.508, 141633.526 FS. 143History–New 9-6-04.


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