69O-200.004. Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Companies (Transferred)  

Effective on Tuesday, January 16, 2024
  • 1(1) Application for License as a 7Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Company12.

    13(a) An application 16for a license as a motor vehicle service agreement company 26consists of the following:

    301. Form OIR-C1-994, “Application for License Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Company,” effective 07/23, 44hereby incorporated by reference and available at 51http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16226;

    532. 54Form OIR-C1-144, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    633. Form OIR-C1-905, 66incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    734. Form OIR-C1-938, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    835. Form OIR-C1-995, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    936. Form OIR-C1-1423, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1037. Form OIR-C1-0500, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1138. Form OIR-C1-0501, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    1239. Form OIR-C1-0502, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    13310. Form OIR-C1-0503, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    14311. Form OIR-C1-0504, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    15312. Form OIR-C1-0505, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    16313. Form OIR-C1-0506, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    17314. Form OIR-C1-0507, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    18315. Form OIR-C1-0509, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.; and

    19416. Form OIR-C1-2221, incorporated by reference in Rule 69O-136.100, F.A.C.;

    204(b) 205A person applying for a license as a motor vehicle service agreement company 218shall submit the forms listed in paragraph (1)(a) 226as directed by the Office electronically at https://www.floir.com/iportal. 234The forms may be obtained from https://www.floir.com/iportal.

    241(2) License Continuance for 245Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Company250.

    251(a)1. All 253motor vehicle service agreement company 258licenses shall continue in force as long as licensee is entitled thereto under Chapter 634, Part I, F.S.

    2762. Failure to submit the application for continuance by March 1 shall result in expiration of the license and will require the filing of a new application for licensure.

    305(b) A licensee seeking to continue operating as a motor vehicle service agreement company shall submit Form OIR-A3-467 LR, “Application for License Continuance Motor Vehicle Service Agreement Company,” effective 07/23, hereby incorporated by reference and available at 343http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-16225, 345filed electronically at https://www.floir.com/iportal. The form may be obtained from https://www.floir.com/iportal.

    356Rulemaking Authority 358634.021, 359634.061(1), 360(2)(c) FS. Law Implemented 364634.041 FS. 366History–New 5-26-93, Formerly 4-200.004, Amended 8-13-12, 9-28-22, 1-16-24.


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