69B-211.007. Effective Date of Termination of Appointment  

Effective on Monday, January 22, 2001
  • 1(1) When an appointing entity terminates the appointment of an appointee in accordance with Section 16626.471(4), F.S., 18and files written notice of such termination with the Department in accordance with Section 32626.471(4), F.S., 34the Department shall terminate the appointment in accordance with Section 44626.471(5), F.S. 46The date of such termination on Department records shall be the effective date of such termination as indicated by the appointing entity in its filing with the Department or, if no date is indicated, the date on which the Department received the filing.

    89(2) When an appointee terminates the appointment with an appointing entity in accordance with Section 104626.471(4), F.S., 106and files written notice of such termination with the Department in accordance with Section 120626.471(4), F.S., 122the Department shall terminate the appointment in accordance with Section 132626.471(5), F.S. 134The date of such termination on Department records shall be the effective date of such termination as indicated by the appointee on their filing with the Department or, if no date is indicated, the date on which the Department received the filing.

    176(3) With respect to contracts currently in force the provisions of this rule shall be subject to the appointee’s contract rights.

    197Rulemaking Authority 199624.308 FS. 201Law Implemented 203624.307, 204626.471 FS. 206History–New 1-22-01, Formerly 4-211.007.