69K-7.0012. Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Withdrawals  

Effective on Thursday, October 27, 2016
  • 1(1) Definitions

    3As used in this rule the following definitions apply:

    12(a) “Board” refers to the Board of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services.

    24(b) “Division” refers to the Division of Funeral, Cemetery, and Consumer Services.

    36(c) “Care and maintenance trust fund accounting year” refers to the twelve consecutive month period established and used by the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund trustee or servicing agent of the trust fund for trust fund tax and annual reporting purposes.

    77(d) “Change of distribution method” refers to changing from the net income withdrawal method to the total return withdrawal method, or from the total return withdrawal method to the net income withdrawal method.

    110(2) Procedure for making withdrawal election.

    116(a) Regarding the election referenced under section 497.2675(2), F.S., the initial election and each subsequent change of election shall be made by filing a completed, signed, and dated Election of Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Distribution Method, Form DFS-N1-2177, effective 05/2016 with the Division at least 60 days prior to the effective date specified in the election. This form is incorporated herein by reference, and may be obtained from 185http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07502, 187or from the Board’s office or from the Board’s website http://www.myfloridacfo.com.

    198(b) Upon receipt by the Division of a completed, signed, and dated Election of Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Distribution Method, Form DFS-N1-2177, effective 05/2016, the Division shall affix the Division’s dated receipt stamp to the form and shall within five business days return a copy of the form as thus stamped to the contact person shown on the form.

    258(c) The Division shall provide the Board with an informational copy of all election forms filed with the Division.

    277(3) Calculation of distribution under total return withdrawal method.

    286(a) The total return withdrawal percentage may be any amount from zero percent up to but not exceeding five percent, as specified on the election filed with the Division.

    315(b) For purposes of calculating the average fair market value of the trust under section 497.2675(2)(b), F.S., the fair market value of the trust shall be determined as of January l of each year used in the averaging calculation.

    354(c) The fair market value of trust assets shall be determined by the trustee or the servicing agent who is not under common control with the cemetery licensee to whom the trust relates. Neither the trustee nor the servicing agent shall rely on asset valuations provided by or on behalf of the cemetery. Provided, a cemetery that is authorized to act as its’ own trustee under section 421497.266(2), F.S., 423may calculate the fair market value of its trust assets and calculate the amount of its total return distribution.

    442(d) The amount to be distributed under either the net income withdrawal method, or the total return withdrawal method, shall be calculated by the trustee, or the servicing agent who is not under common control with the cemetery licensee, to whom the trust relates. Provided, a cemetery that is authorized to act as its own trustee under section 500497.266(2), F.S., 502may calculate the fair market value of its trust assets and calculate the amount of its total return distribution.

    521(e) Application of sections 497.2675(2)(b) l. and 2., F.S.

    5301. The phrase “if assets are added” as used in section 497.2675(2)(b)1., F.S., refers to deposits to trust of the amounts required to be deposited under section 557497.268, F.S., 559and any extraordinary deposits to trust such as but not limited to deposits to correct deficiencies in prior period deposits.

    5792. The phrase “if assets are distributed” as used in section 497.2675(2)(b)2., F.S., refers to extraordinary distributions from the trust pursuant to written consent of the licensing authority under section 609497.266(3), F.S.

    6113. The application of subprargraphs 497.2675(2)(b)1. and 2., F.S, are illustrated in the examples below.

    626Example A

    628Example A ignores growth or reduction in investment values, and distributions from the trust. Assume the trustee or servicing agent wants to determine the average fair market value of the trust for a 2016 distribution under the total return withdrawal method. This computation will involve averaging the trust fair market value as of January 1, 2014, 2015, and 2016. Assume the fair market value of the trust was $100 on 1-1-2014. Assume that cemetery sales of interment spaces resulted in deposits to the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund of $2.00 in 2014 and $2.20 in 2015. The computation of average fair market value for the 2016 distribution under the total return withdrawal method will be as follows:

    745Table 746A 747l





    751Beginning market value Principal addition




    7602.00 + 2.20



    764FMV for averaging purposes




    774The 775average 776fair 777market 778value 779for 780the 7812016 782distribution 783equals 784$785104.20.

    786Because the $2.00 added in 2014 is not reflected in the 2014 beginning balance, it is added to that balance for purposes of computing average fair market value. Because the $2.20 in deposits occurred during 2015, it is added to both the 2015 balance and the 2014 balance. The deposits in 2014 and 2015 will necessarily be reflected in the opening fair market value in 2016, so they are not separately added in that year.

    861Assume that cemetery sales of interment spaces resulted in deposits to the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund of $2.15 in 2016. The average trust fair market value calculation for a 2017 distribution under the total return withdrawal method will be as follows:

    903Table 904A2




    90720 90819097

    910Beginning 911market 912value




    918Deposits 919to 920trust

    9212.20 922+ 9232.15



    925FMV 926for 927averaging 928purposes




    935The 936average 937fair 938market 939value 940for the 9422017 943d944istribution 945equals 946$947106.35.

    948Example B

    950Same 951facts 952as 953in 954Example 955A, 956except 957that 958in 9592015 960the 961licensing 962authority 963approved 964an 965extraordinary 966distribution from 968the 969trust 970in 971the 972amount 973of 974$5.00. 975The 976average 977trust 978fair 979market 980value 981calculation 982for 983a 9842016 985distribution 986under 987the 988total 989return 990withdrawal 991method 992will 993be 994as 995follows:

    996Table 997B 998l





    1002Beginning 1003market 1004value




    1008Deposits 1009to 1010trust

    10112.00 1012+ 10132.20



    1015Extraordinary 1016distribution




    1019FMV 1020for 1021averaging 1022purposes




    1026The 1027average 1028fair 1029market 1030value 1031for 1032the 10332016 1034distribution 1035equals 1036$99.20.

    1037Because 1038the 1039$2.00 1040added 1041in 10422014 1043is 1044not 1045reflected 1046in 1047the 10482014 1049beginning 1050balance, 1051it 1052is 1053added 1054to 1055that 1056balance 1057for 1058purposes 1059of 1060computing 1061average 1062fair 1063market 1064value. 1065Because 1066the 1067$2.20 1068in 1069deposits 1070occurred 1071during 10722015, 1073it 1074is 1075added 1076to 1077the 10782015 1079balance and 1081the 10822014 1083balance. 1084Because 1085the 1086$5.00 1087extraordinary 1088withdrawal 1089occurred during 10912015, 1092it 1093is 1094subtracted 1095from 1096the 10972015 1098balance 1099and 1100the 11012014 1102balance. The 1104deposits 1105in 11062014 1107and 11082015, 1109and 1110the 1111withdrawal 1112in 11132015, 1114will 1115necessarily 1116be 1117reflected 1118in 1119the 1120opening 1121fair 1122market 1123value in 11252016, 1126so 1127they 1128are 1129not 1130separately 1131added 1132or 1133deducted 1134for 1135that 1136year.

    1137The 1138average 1139trust 1140fair 1141market 1142value 1143calculation 1144for 1145a 114620111477 1148distribution 1149under 1150the 1151total 1152return 1153withdrawal 1154method 1155will 1156be 1157as 1158follows:

    1159Table 1160B2



    1162201 11636


    1165Beginning 1166market 1167value




    1171Deposits 1172to 1173trust

    11742.20 1175+ 11762.15



    1178Extraordinary 1179distribution




    1181FMV 1182for 1183averaging 1184purposes




    1188The 1189average 1190fair 1191market 1192value 1193for the 11952017 distribution 1197equals 1198$1119901.35.

    1200Example C

    1202Same facts as in Example B, except that we assume that the aggregate net effect of rise and fall of investment values resulted in the following actual beginning fair market values: 2015, $103.00; 2016, $110.

    1237Table 1238C 1239l





    1245Avg 1246FMV

    1247Beginning 1248market 1249value





    1253Deposits 1254to 1255trust

    12562.00 1257+ 12582.20




        1260ordinary 1261distribution





    1264$1 1265112660



    1267FMV 1268for 1269averaging purposes





    1276The 1277average 1278fair 1279market 1280value 1281for 1282the 12832016 1284distribution 1285equals 1286$103 1287.1288112893.

    1290Assume the actual fair market value at the beginning of 2017 is $115. The average trust fair market value calculation for a 2017 distribution under the total return withdrawal method will be as follows:

    1324Table 1325C 2


    1327201 13285

    1329201 13306


    1333Avg 1334FMV

    1335Beginning 1336market 1337value





    1341Deposits 1342to 1343trust

    13442.20 1345+ 13462.15




    1348Extraordinary distribution





    1351FMV 1352for 1353averaging 1354purposes





    1361The 1362average 1363fair 1364market 1365value 1366for 1367the 13682017 1369distribution 1370equals 1371$109 1372.83.

    1373(4) For purposes of computing average fair market value of the trust, except for adjustments to comply with sections 497.2675(2)(b)l. and 2., F.S., the fair market value of trust assets as of each January 1 shall not be adjusted to reflect accrued liabilities or accrued but not yet received deposits.

    1423(5) Application of Prudent Investor Rule.

    1429(a) Pursuant to sections 1433497.266(4) 1434and 1435497.458(5)(a), F.S., 1437trust assets may be invested as prescribed in section 1446518.11, F.S., 1448entitled “Investments by Fiduciaries; Prudent Investor Rule.” As regards to care and maintenance trusts and preneed trusts under chapter 497, F.S., investments under section 1472518.11, F.S., 1474are subject to the prohibitions set forth in sections 1483497.458(l)(h), 1484(i) and 1486497.458(5)(a), F.S.

    1488(b) For purposes of application of section 1495518.11, F.S., 1497the trustee of the Care and Maintenance trust shall consider the primary purpose of the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund to be providing for the future care and maintenance of the cemetery, as defined at section 1533497.005(11), F.S., 1535after the cemetery ceases to produce any revenue stream from which care and maintenance costs may be paid.

    1553(c) Real Estate. The fair market value of real estate as a trust asset shall be determined by a written appraisal obtained by the trustee, issued by a licensed real estate appraiser, which appraisal was made within twelve months prior to January 1 of the year for which the distribution under the total return withdrawal method is being calculated. For example, if an average trust fair market value is being calculated for a distribution in 2016 under the total return withdrawal method, the appraisal must have been done in the twelve months prior to January 1, 2016. If such appraisal requirement is not complied with, the real estate shall be assigned zero value as a trust asset in each year included in the average trust fair market value calculations for such distribution.

    1685(6) Monitoring Trust Fair Market Value; action or adverse trends.

    1695(a) The Division shall monitor the fair market value of care and maintenance trust funds as reported by trustees in annual trust reports. If the Division detects that the ending fair market value of the trust for the most recent calendar year has decreased as compared to the average ending balance of the trust for over the three most recent calendar years, the Division shall set the matter for review and action by the Board at a regularly scheduled meeting of the Board, and shall provide the licensee with 30 days advance notice that the matter will be set before the Board. The Board shall thereupon review the matter and for the protection of the care and maintenance trust fund may order any one or a combination of the following corrective measures as the Board finds appropriate for the protection of the care and maintenance trust fund:

    18421. A specified reduction in dollars in allowable withdrawals from the trust for a specified period,

    18582. A reduction in the total return withdrawal percentage for a specified period,

    18713. A requirement that the licensee switch to and use the net income withdrawal method for a specified period.

    1890(b) Exceptions. The Board may in particular cases temporarily except a licensee that comes before the Board under paragraph (a), above, from imposition of corrective measures, if the Board finds that the cause of the adverse trend in the fair market value of the trust is due to one or more unusual temporary factors affecting all or a majority of the licensed cemeteries in the state or in a particular area of the state, and that for the protection of such cemeteries from insolvency the exception is necessary and appropriate.

    1980(7) Miscellaneous provisions.

    1983(a) All cemetery licensees shall continue to use the net income withdrawal method under section 497.2675, F.S., on and after 7-1-2016, until the effective date of an election filed by the licensee to use the total return withdrawal method, which initial election shall be made by the licensee in accordance with this rule. Each subsequent change of election shall be made by filing a separate additional completed, signed, and dated Form DFS-N1-2177 in accordance with this rule.

    2060(b) The effective date of an initial election and any subsequent change in election shall coincide with the first day of a care and maintenance trust fund accounting year to which the election relates. All elections shall be prospective only; no retroactive elections shall be allowed.

    2106(c) If a cemetery has more than one Care and Maintenance Trust Fund under section 2121497.266, F.S., 2123a separate election shall be made and filed for each trust fund.

    2135(d) Form DFS-N1-2177 must be signed by an authorized representative of the licensee.

    2148(e) No Election of Care and Maintenance Trust Fund Distribution Method, Form DFS-NI-2177, effective 05/2016, shall be filed unless the cemetery licensee has been advised by the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund trustee or servicing agent that the trustee or servicing agent will be able to implement the change of distribution method indicated in the form to be filed.

    2207(f) No trustee or servicing agent shall implement a change in distribution method unless the trustee or servicing agent has in its possession a copy of Form DFS-N1-2177 regarding the change of distribution method, which copy bears the Division’s receipt stamp.

    2248(g) A trustee shall not make a distribution under the total return withdrawal method unless the trustee or servicing agent determines it has reliable records establishing all fair market values needed to calculate average fair market value of the trust in prior periods included in the averaging calculation.

    2296(8) Annual Report of Trustee.

    2301(a) Any entity which for all or any part of a calendar year served as trustee of a Care and Maintenance Trust Fund under section 2326497.266, F.S., 2328shall by not later than April 1 of the following year file a Care and Maintenance Trust Fund, Annual Trustee Report (Revised), Form DFS-N1-2178, effective 05/2016, for all or that portion of the said calendar year in which it acted as trustee of the trust. This form is incorporated herein by reference, and may be obtained from 2385http://www.flrules.org/Gateway/reference.asp?No=Ref-07503, 2387or from the Board’s website, http://www.myfloridacfo.com.

    2393(b) No distribution to a cemetery licensee from the licensee’s Care and Maintenance Trust Fund shall be made or allowed in any period during which the Care and Maintenance Trust Fund is delinquent in filing required reports under section 2432497.269, F.S., 2434and this rule.

    2437Rulemaking Authority 2439497.103, 2440497.2675 FS. Law Implemented 497.2675, 2445497.268, 2446497.269 FS. 2448History–New 10-27-16.


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